Chapter 2

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Waking up at 6 in the morning gets very old. Especially since you know the day isn't going to be good. I woke up and took a shower to start the day off. Then I put on a low cut blue shirt and some shorts that maybe we're too short. I put on a pair of black flats on and ate some strawberry pop tarts. It was about 7:30 then, I wanted to get to school with Lexi early so we could study.

Lexi and I didn't live too far away from each other so we rode the same bus. She got on and sat next to me. She was wearing a black jacket in the start of summer, which was insane because it gets really hot in little creek, north braska. Also with dark blue jeans which would have made it even worse.

"You know you dress really dark." I laugh a little at Lexi.

"I guess it's my personality." Lexi shrugs.

"Hey whats got into you? You feeling okay?" I ask.

"Well if I don't pass this test I'm probably not gonna pass the 11th grade Macy." Lexi looks at me with sad eyes.

"Well it's okay, that's why you have me." I smile.

Lexi shrugs and I let her sit by the window. She likes to see the view which is weird because we take the same route everyday. It's always the same stuff.

"Wow, I really want to get out of this place." Lexi mutters.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, I wanted to leave this town when I graduated but at the pace I'm going I'm not going to be able to." Lexi shrugs.

"What's gonna happen to me?" I look at her.

"You'll go to law school and forget all about me with some rich boy that you'll marry and have five kids."

"Woah woah woah! That's crazy, I'm never gonna forget you. You're my childhood friend how could I forget you?" I put a dramatic gasp on my face.

"Oh I'm sure he'll give you enough pleasure to forget me." She gives me the look like she's made a dirty joke and I shake my head.

"Sisters before misters, remember that? We promised. I don't plan on breaking that promise." I turn back to the center aisle.

Then I hear it. The chants on the bus. At first it was soft but grew louder every second. Lexi is a loser, Lexi is a loser. The chants grew almost to a shout. Lexi looks down ashamed. I see her mutter words under her breath but I don't hear.

Then the people behind us started kicking her side of the seat. Soft then harder and harder. It got to shaking our seat. I turn behind me to yell because this had to stop.

"SHUT UP!!" I yell.

The whole bus goes quiet. The kicking stops. I see Lexi has a single tear going down her face. The bus was silent for the rest of the ride. When we get off Lexi sprints into the school and I chase after her. She runs into the study room and slams the door. I stop at the doorway and put my ear to the door.

I couldn't hear anything but that didn't mean she wasn't crying silently. The door creaks as I slowly open it. I see Lexi slumping in one of the chairs with her head in her arms. She lifts her head up at the sound of my feet walking towards her. She didn't look like she was crying but I could tell she wasn't happy.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Does it look like everything is okay Macy?! Really how could you be so dumb that you think it's gonna be okay cause I can sure tell you nothing is okay!"

"Why are you acting this way?" I was confused why she was taking it out on me.

"Because I can't do this anymore Macy! I want to leave and never come back!" She yells.

She wasn't usually like this. Lexi puts her head back into her arms. I walk over and put my hands on her shoulders. Rubbing them to give her a little massage. She rolls her shoulders and I can tell she likes it.

"I'm sorry that you get bullied." I say.

"Yea?" She almost sounds like she's purring.

"Yea, and I'm sorry that you don't have good grades." I coo to her.

She sways in her chair. I sway with her almost in harmony. Then I hear a moan.

"I'm sorry for you, but do you want to start studying?"

"Not really but you're gonna make me, I really want to keep this going."

"I'll make you a deal, I promise to give you any sort of massage but we gotta start studying."

"You promise?"

"With all my heart."

"Okay." She lifts her head up.

And with that we start studying, one subject at a time. It takes awhile to get used to it but finally we do. We didn't want to leave the study room when it was finally time do go to class. I really would've stayed there and helped her study but sadly math couldn't wait.

I went to my locker to grab my books and Lexi walks with me.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"No, thank you. For helping after what happened on the bus."

"Well I'm your best friend anytime." I nod and close my locker door.

She nods her head and heads to class. I have Mr. Ritter this class and he does not like anyone being late. But when I get there I could already tell it was gonna be hell.

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