Chapter 23

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👗Macy's POV👗

"I choose you." I say to my father as he opens the door.

"Mac!!" He hugs me tight.

We hold each other for awhile. The he lets go and lets me in the house.

"Where have you been Macy?!?! We've looked everywhere for you!!"

"I was- I was in Vegas Dad, and LA. Me and Lexi..." I start.

"You were hanging out with that misfit again weren't you?" My dad sighs. "Mac, people like her are dangerous. They... Convince you to do things that you may not be comfortable with. Did she hurt you?"

"Dad Lexi would never..." But she did.

She made me feel special. She made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. Then she broke me. I cried most the way home in my rental car. I wasn't special enough to hold her secrets as we sat on the couch watching a movie, together. I wasn't special enough for all the things she hid from me as we drive down those streets, together.

We were a team. Now I'm just a cheerleader going to a school in the middle of nowhere. Going back to school with no one by my side. Were people even gonna accept me back at school? Probably not. Lexi will be LA living up her dreams with a man 7 years older than her. By the way, that's insanity. Who would want someone so much older then them?

"Dad, I know it looks bad but I know she never hurt me physically." I sigh. "But I can't say she didn't hurt me mentally."

My father looks at me with sadness in his eyes. He got his baby girl back but yet, she was different. I knew it because I could sense it in myself. Which meant that Lexi changed me a lot more than I thought.

"Mac, there's something I need to tell you." His eyes get watery.

"Dad I know it was a bad idea now..." I start but he cuts me off.

"It's not about that honey... Your mother she... Your mother died."

My eyes water. Tears stream down my cheeks as I comprehend what he's saying.

"It was a car accident, she was always a safe driver but... It was a green light and so she went but someone decided to run the red to see if they could make it. They didn't."

Then I noticed the puffyness of his cheeks and they were unbelievably red and swollen. More tears ran down them. So did mine. I couldn't control it. My mother had always been there for me whenever I needed her. She pushed me to be a cheerleader and get good grades.

Now she's gone.

"No, that can't be true. She downstairs this is a prank." I try to tell myself a lie that I didn't even start to believe in.

"Honey I wish I was pranking you, but she's gone." More tears slide down our faces.


"Right after you left. I told her the argument and she went to go look for you."

She had died looking for me? No this wasn't right. I couldn't accept this! She can't be gone! Why? Why did she go looking for me? Of course I knew why, I was her daughter but... She died doing it. If I hadn't left she would've never gotten into that car. She would've never had the accident.

"Dad, I'm so sorry. So so sorry." I bawl.

My father holds me as I cry. We were like that for at least 30 minutes or until I couldn't cry anymore. We go upstairs and make some dinner. It was spaghetti. We were like zombies, just walking through until our feelings totally numbed off.

I was waiting for my mother to come up for dinner like she would always do, except today. I couldn't hear a single creak coming up from the stairs. She would always brighten up the room when she smiled, I wish I would've kept some of the light in a jar for when I felt sad. Now I have nothing.

Now I have nothing.

Not even Lexi to cheer me up.

I guess that's just how life goes.

In the end you are all alone.

I'm gonna have to go back to school sometime.

Get bullied some more.

Get into more fights that don't need to happen.

But I won't feel a thing because,

I don't even know if I can feel anything.

I hate this.

I hate going to school. I hate having to talk to people that hate me too. This life now, I hate it. I wish I would've never left for a girl that betrayed me in the end. Just a big waste of time. A big waste of time that ended in death and sadness and anger. None of it being good. I wish I would have stayed. I wish I could've made a good decision for once.

I guess that's a lot of wishes that will never be granted. I have no fairy godmother, nobody to take back my mistakes and make my life a good one with a prince and my parents back to normal. I'm just all alone, and being all alone is dangerous in this cruel world.

But do you know why the world is cruel? The world is cruel because humans run it. Humans are cruel beings and leave you in the dust when you most need them. Sky is cruel, the guy who decided it was a good idea to run a red light is cruel. We are all cruel one way or another.

Especially the girl you thought was more than a best friend.


So that's a wrap. I don't think this I'll be the actually ending to the Series. Yes you read that right this I'll probably make it be a series. The only problem is the second one won't come out for awhile because I have other books I'm working on so... You'll just have to wait for Enemies or more?

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