Chapter 11

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👗Macy's POV👗

I woke Lexi up and we loaded our stuff into the suite. It was gigantic and very well furnished. The walls were white and it had a gigantic window with a beautiful sight of all the city lights. After I got all my stuff out of the truck I jump on my bed. Lexi had her own room but she came into mine to rest.

"I hope you know that whatever happens to us that I will always be your best friends." Lexi looks at me.

"Same, I will always be yours." We held I contact.

Maybe it was for too long I don't know. But something sparked in between us. I don't know what it was but it seemed as if everything changed. I think it's for the better though. I smiles and so does Lexi.

Then she breaks away and it left me empty. I didn't want to be empty. I wanted that change again, the change I saw in her chocolate eyes. I grab her chin to make her look at me. Something was wrong.

"Lexi are you okay?"

"Yea why?" She doesn't look at me.



"Lexi somethings wrong I can tell in your eyes."

"Nothing's wrong Mac." She looked to the left of me which meant she was lying.

"Lexi, just tell me what's wrong."

"Macy, nothing is wrong. Okay?"

"I don't believe you but okay." I let go of her chin.

She rolls her eyes and laughs. I could tell something was wrong but I wasn't gonna press it. Lexi doesn't work that way. She works as if she tells you if she's comfortable. Which takes a lot from her. She's not the most comfortable person about anything.

"I guess I just had a bit of a reality check." She looks sad.

"Yea life does that to you sometimes." I laugh.

It doesn't seem to cheer her up much. She sits up and looks away. I sit up too in fright of what she's thinking.

"Lexi you are good enough." She looks at me surprised. "Even thought you dropped out and everything, doesn't make you a bad person."

I shrug. She looks at me with intense eyes. Maybe that wasn't the problem but hopefully it helped for whatever it was. Lexi looks down for a moment thinking about what to say.


"Yea?" I look at her expectantly.

"Can I kiss you?"

What. My mind froze to blank. I wasn't sure how to answer. It was a simple question but yet it had layers and was complex.


I didn't think about those layers or the complexity. Maybe it was wrong to say but I didn't care. She scoots closer to me and grabs my head. Our lips clash. Her kiss was so potent and full of meaning it sent me backwards and she was on top of me.

I kiss her back as potently as I could. Almost trying to match her. I put my hands on hips as she got one in my blond hair and the other on my hips. I take one of my hair and put it through her hair.

Her tongue dominated mine and I let it. I let her control me. I didn't try to fight back because it felt so right. Then she pulled back, but I wanted more.

"Woah." I say.

"Macy I..."

"No, I let you. I just didn't think you would be that potent." I look away.

"You don't have feelings for me do you?" She sighs.

She mutter something under her breath. I never thought about it. I mean I thought it was bad to be gay. Yet maybe that's what I was. A gay piece of trash, that's what Paige said.

"Well Lexi, I've never thought of you like that."

"Well maybe I did..." She whispers to herself.

She gets off of me. Her warmth lost as she left the room. I get up and chase after her.

"Lexi wait!" I yell.

"No I'll just leave it'll be okay!" She sprints down the hallway.

I sprint after her but she's too fast. Her black hair flies behind her and she scales down the stairs. I try to go as fast but she's slightly better. I should have known that though, she was always good at running away.

"Lexi come back!" I yell.

"No!" She yells as she runs through the kitchen.

We were sure to knock something over. I see Lexi jump and grab her keys from the rack. If I let her leave I don't know if she'll come back. I can't let her leave the building.

"Lexi what about being best friends!" She pauses for slight of a millisecond.

"Don't worry I'll come back." I read her lips that I once tasted.

Of course not enough time for me to catch up but then she gets going. Lexi opens the door and slams it. I open it and follow her towards the elevator.

"Lexi don't leave me!" I scream.

"I have to." She enters the elevator and presses the lobby button.

It closes right as I get there. I pound my fist on it. Why would she do this to me. Then I remember the stairs. I don't know if I'll be fast enough to catch her but I could try. Opening the door to the stairs I scale those stairs too. Lucky for me it was only a couple flights.

I race down and when I get to the lobby she's gone. Truck not even in the parking lot. Going who knows where for who knows how long. I could be stuck here forever if she really wanted me to.

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