Chapter 6

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🎧Lexi's POV🎧

I ran into my truck after I got off the bus and shut the door behind me. I didn't want to ever get out and let people see me. I only had a truck because the government gives a car to every 16 year old orphan in my orphanage. I had wished for a old rusty truck and I had got one.

I never wanted to leave it though. Ever since I got it I never wanted to leave it. The only reason I rode the bus was because Macy rode it and she was my only friend. I couldn't stand to lose my only friend. In fact I was supposed to be picking her up now.

As I drove to her house I thought about Mr. Sky. Did he love me? What would happen if I went back and apologized? Of course I wouldn't do that because he's a teacher and probably hunting some other 17 year old girl. Probably his new obsession but doesn't make me less curious.

I looked at my sleeve of tatts. They were kinda hot if you looked at 'em right. I don't know maybe it's a fetish of mine to get them. I definitely wanted to get more. And maybe my other sleeve. I pulled up to Macy's house and she came running out. I pulled out as soon as she got in and out her seat belt.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Oh you know just me fighting with my dad over stupid sh*t." She complains.

"Oh..." I look at the road.

"Ugh, I'm just done with him! He's such a-a ugh!" She nods off to the window.

I was used to her not asking about my day. It was a usual thing. I kept driving. She was obviously not in the mood to put up with any of my day so I am not going to burden her with it now. Maybe not ever, I don't really want to even think about it.

"Any particular place you want to visit?" I ask

"Maybe L.A, that would be an adventure." She looks at me.

"Yea, well I got a full tank of gas and that sounds cool. We could go to the clubs and party!" I yell and laugh.

"Well that would be plausible except we are not 18 nor 21 so we can't even get in or drink." She looks at me.

Such a buzzkill that one.

"Whatever." I laugh.

She continues to look outside the window.
I wonder what was in L.A. For her? A career? No we were high school dropouts. We are not going to be able to get any jobs other than flipping burger or being waitresses showing off some a$$ to get some extra tips from the older men. Well whatever, I was okay with that. I'm not sure Macy thought this through though.

"I've got $600 saved up for college and a card so should have enough money to get some places." She smiles at me.

We stay at a Marriott, just for tonight though because it's hella expensive. Macy wanted to go swimming before we had to leave so we both through our swimsuits on and went to the pool. The kids there kinda got mad because we kept splashing each other and sometimes it would hit them. Sorry.

"This is so much fun." I smile at Macy while we we're in the hot tub.

"Yes." She seems relaxed in her blue bikini.

It was full blue while mine was a one piece. And black. I wasn't the one to wear much color or show much skin. Macy would come to school sometimes looking like a freaking rainbow had exploded on her with unicorn sprinkles. It was one of those days that it was kind of embarrassing to be her friend. Oh well, I've known Macy a long time and she's pulled a lot of weird stunts.

"So what are we gonna do tomorrow?" Macy looks up and asks.

"Well I'm thinking about putting in more miles between us and that town so probably drive." I shrug my shoulders.

"That's a good idea." Macy looks around.

"Macy is everything okay?" I asked confused.

"Yea I'm just sad that me and my dad ended on a fight, makes it a lot more depressing." Macy shrugs her shoulders and gets out of the hot tub.

I wondered what they fought about? Probably her school career. Her dad was obsessed with that kind of stuff. Her mom was valedictorian and so was her dad. Of course not the same year but still. They had big expectations for her and she was always stressed about school. Always had to be the best.

My mom died of child birth and my dad is in jail because he murdered someone. And a child raper, but I'm not gonna go into that. That's a story for another day. The point is that I don't really have expectations in life, nobody for me to make me do better in school. I wish I did, maybe I wouldn't hate it so much.

Macy hands me a towel and I get out. I dry myself and we head up to the room. In their we get dressed into our pjs and pop some popcorn. Their wasn't much on tv so we change it to Netflix. We picked out mean girls and kind of pigged out on snacks of course there is always questions that pop up, some I didn't want to even talk or think about.

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