Chapter 7

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👗Macy's POV👗

We were just sitting there watching some Americas Got Talent then it hit me. I was so selfish before not to see her watering eyes before she picked me up. I never even asked her how her last day was. All I thought about was myself, that's not right. Of course I'm not sure if she would even want to talk about it.

"Lexi?" I look at her.

"Yea?" She picks up another piece of popcorn.

"How was your day, I forgot to ask earlier." I see her freeze up for a fraction of a second and knew that it was a mistake to bring it up.

"It was..." She looks away from me.



"What's wrong? Did something happen at school before you picked me up? Did you get into another fight? I can't see bruises but you've learned to cover them up sometimes and..." She stops me.

"No Macy I didn't get into another fight. I was just held after school." She sighs.

"Why were you crying earlier then?" I knew I hit a soft spot."

"I don't cry Macy, you know that." She growled at me.

"Well your eyes were wet." I tell her.

She mumbled under her breath some words I couldn't make out. I didn't know whether she wanted me to hear or not. So hard to understand this weird being I call my best friend.

"What was that?" I pulled her away from the bed frame side and put her the opposite way.

I pin her against the bed and straddle her. She fights against me almost throwing me, but I continue to sit on top of her. She didn't look too happy about it either.

"Lexi what happened? Why were you held after school?"

"I wasn't gonna have good enough grades to pass the 11th grade, just in one class."

She was holding something back. I could tell because even though Lexi don't talk much, her story would've been longer. She would've given me at least a few details.

"Lexi, you can tell me what happened, for real." She sighs.

I let go of her arms. She places them on the bed. I could tell she wasn't comfortable telling me what happened but if I wanted to help I needed to know. She sighs again.

"It was really nothing Mac, it was just the he told me that I didn't have good enough grades to pass the grade..."


"Yes, Mr. Sky."

I never really liked that teacher. He didn't like me either and I was okay with that. He taught math and Lexi hated math. I always tried to help her but sometimes I don't know if she knew what was happening.

"Lexi you hate math, that's why you have bad grades."

"That's not the point." She looks at me with sad eyes.

"Lexi...?" I look at her confused.

"He was my first Macy." I gasp.

"You guys did it?!?!" I yell.

"No, no oh god. Macy calm down we did not do 'it'! He was my first kiss!" Lexi yells.

Oh, she's never been kissed before. I thought... Nevermind. I can't believe she's never been kissed before. I instantly calm down knowing that now. Then I laugh and put a devilish grin on my face.

"Was he good?" I asked.

"What?" Lexi looks at me like she wants to kill me.

"Was. He. Any. Good?" I laugh.

"Yea, I mean I don't know I've never been kissed before. And I was so mad that I pushed him away and left." She looks away from me.

"How did he even get to kiss you if he called you over for bad grades anyway?" I ask.

"He called me a reject and I told him that if he didn't mind I was gonna leave. He told me he did." She sighs. "Then I pushed him away and he told himself that this method wasn't gonna work, he walked up to me and kissed me."

She pauses for a second.

"I didn't know what was going on Macy, I just felt him. He dominated me and I let him. His lips were soft and warm. I hate to admit it but I never wanted to leave him. My instincts told me to get away but my mouth and heart told me to stay. I was so conflicted." She looks away from my eyes.

"It's okay, everything's alright now. At this point you'll never have to see him again because I don't ever want to go back to that school." I tell her.

"I don't know anymore Macy, I want someone to hold me. To be mine, someone I can kiss and call beautiful." I get off of her and she sits up.

"I get that Lexi. You have no idea." I say.

"Well we better get some rest, we have a long day of driving if we want to make it to L.A." Lexi turns off the tv and gets under the covers.

We have slept in the same bed before, some way smaller than this. But for some reason I feel different sleeping now. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow but yet I couldn't catch a wink of sleep. Maybe it's because I know what Lexi had been through. She could've been raped, kidnapped and I would've never known because I waited to ask her just the simple question of how her day went.

Because I was throwing a fit because my dad wouldn't let me go with her. I hadn't talked to him about it until today. Now I left him on a fight I was going to regret. Of course he gonna come looking for me, but for now I wasn't gonna let him.

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