Chapter 19

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👗Macy's POV👗

I found a white shirt and some blue jean shorts. My tennis shoes were by my door, so I slipped them on and went downstairs. We were gonna have breakfast at a cafe by the hotel. The reviews were good so I was pretty excited.

Lexi comes down in a red flannel and some lie jeans. She had a cream shirt under the flannel, that says don't talk to me. Whatever. I laugh at her choices for outfit. She has converses for shoes and she struts in them.

"What you staring at me for? Can't I dress nice for once?" She laughs.

"Just wasn't ready for your whole getup." I laugh.

"Whatever, let's go." We walk out the door hand in hand.

We walked over to the cafe because it was not that far. People greeted us as if we were two adults exploring the world. We sit at a table and order some coffee and orange juice. There was a group of girls bullying this one girl and she was all by herself.

Lexi gives me a look and we head into action. I walk slightly faster than Lexi so I get there first. They were surely surprised to see us. The girl looks up, surprised to see anyone has come to her aid.

"Hey girls just leave her alone." Lexi perks up.

"And what are you gonna do about it rug rat?" The queen bee says.

"Oh honey I've been in many fights and have won, you don't want to mess with me." Lexi lies through her teeth.

I don't think they caught it though which was good. Lexi has won fights it's just not recently. Whatever she's got to do to make sure this girl is okay.

"Greta why don't we just get her next time? She'll be truly alone then." A stand by mutters.

"There will be no fighting in my shop girls, do you hear me?" The clerk comes over.

"You won this time rug rats, but she will pay for what she did." I roll me eyes.

Drama queens were so... Dramatic. I would know because there was a couple at our school and they acted exactly like this.

"Thank you." The girl speaks up.

We wave her over towards our table and order her some orange juice. She drinks it gratefully. This girl, was an interesting one to look at. She was Chinese, but we could tell she had a couple generations at the good ole America. Or whatever. She had coal black hair and brown eyes. She was relatively short compared to everyone around her. A red tank top and blue shorts was what she was wearing with a pair of black tops.

"How did you even get in that situation, must've been something bad right?" The girl looks up at us as I say that.

"Well..." She mumbles. "It was just a pointless dare that me and my friends wanted to do. The dare was that if I could get one of Greta's panties out of her dresser alive and give it to one of the jocks I won the game. The only problem is that she caught me."

"Oh..." Lexi looks away. "I wouldn't call that pointless, but I bet it was funny."

"More dangerous than anything. Definitely an adrenaline rush." The girl says.

"What your name?" I ask.

"Zoe." She shrugs.

"Well Zoe, it was nice meeting you and all but we gotta go." Lexi goes to get up but we haven't even ordered breakfast.

"Wait!" She yells. "What if they come after me again? You guys saw how big that group was! And they all go to my school!"

Lexi and I look at each other. What were we supposed to do? We couldn't just take her with us. Or could we?

"You gotta family here Zoe?" Lexi asks.

"No, I only go to school because the government requires me to. My mom is a single mom that drinks every night and has sęx for a job. She won't miss me. And as for a father I don't got one, he ran away after mom had told him he was pregnant with me on the job and didn't come back."

"That's kind of like me." Lexi mutters almost so soundly I couldn't hear her.

"Well, we are kind of traveling around the world, so, would you like to join us?" I say.

"Wait what?" Zoe asks, looking very astonished.

Lexi shoots me a look. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to ask but she seems troubled here. And maybe on her way she can find more about herself like we did. Honestly I didn't care what Lexi thought, I was inviting this girl on our trip.

"We are currently traveling around the US to try to find out where we want to go, would you like to join us in our travels?" I ask.

"I mean that's insane, I mean that's great and all but..." Zoe looks away.

Then I saw what she was looking at. It was a boy, her age that was sitting all by himself. He had brown hair and green eyes. The look on the boys face knew that he was not happy with his situation either.

"You love that boy don't you?" I ask Zoe.

"Love?! No! Not love, I mean who loves anyone at 14? But a crush, yes I do have a crush." She smiles.

"14? You're 14?" Lexi looks at Zoe.

"Yes, how old did you think I was?" She looks at both of us curiously.

"I don't know, I just know that you look older than you are." I say.

"Well, incase you're wondering our names are Macy and Lexi. It was nice meeting you but if you don't want to come with us we got plans." Lexi bitterly growls.

"Lexi...?" I look at her curious to why she was so mean all of a sudden.

"Macy... We. Got. To. Go." She had a look in her eye that makes me scared.

I look back a Zoe. She was also confused. I look around to see nobody really trying to get anyone so why all of a sudden do we have to leave? I didn't see anything wrong but maybe she did.

"Not till you tell me what's wrong." I put my hand on one of hers.

Zoe looks at the gesture funny but then something must've clicked in her head. I looked at Lexi, I knew something was wrong. I saw something in her eyes that I will never forget. It wasn't anger, like a spark in her eyes. It was fear. And not just any, brutal terror.

"Okay we'll go." I pick her up and hug her.

Zoe looks over at the boy and then stands to help me carry Lexi out of the cafe. I'm not sure what went on in the cafe but hopefully I can find out.

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