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Chresanto's P.O.V.

"I'm going to see Jacob again today" I stated, Ray and Elijah looked up from their lunches. I'm honestly surprised they were sitting at the same table as me. "I told him I'd bring you guys with me".


Elijah popped a blueberry in his mouth, "how's he doing?"

"He's doing okay, I think he's getting discharged on Saturday".

"That's good".

"Yeah..." I used my spoon to push my rice around my plate, "he's still got some bruising but, um... I'm pretty sure he's going to be okay".

"Are you okay?" Elijah asked, looking at me like he actually cared.

"I'm fine".

Ray stared at me but didn't say anything, all of us went back to eating our food in silence. I wasn't going to try and spark up a conversation because I knew they didn't want to talk to me. I don't know how long their anger was going to last, but I'd just have to endure it. Things will be a bit better when Jacob's out of the hospital, hopefully.

"How's your boy doing?"

I glanced to my right and rolled my eyes, "get away from me, Pierce".

"I saw the videos of him on the football field, that shit looked ridiculous" he chuckled like he had said something funny. "Where is he anyway? I wanted to congratulate him on his win".

"The shit you pulled at prom wasn't fucking funny" I snapped, standing up and getting in his face. "You're honestly a bitch for ruining that night for him, and y'all shouldn't have voted for him just because his brother isn't around anymore. I saw your post on Instagram too, keep running your mouth and see what happens".

"What exactly are you going to do, Chresanto?" He teased, he raised both his eyebrows and smirked. "I laugh at shit that's funny".

"Yeah, well you won't be able to laugh when my fist is knocking your teeth out" I snarled. "Keep talking shit and I'm going to pound you into the ground".

"Everyone in the school was just doing Jacob a favor" Pierce explained, casually shrugging his shoulders.

"Embarrassing him like that wasn't a favor".

"I don't see why he would be embarrassed, it's not like he was fond of his brother. Axel and Jacob hated each other, so what he won because of his brother? Jacob should just be happy that he won something".

"Do you hear the shit that's coming out of your mouth?" Elijah suddenly asked.

"Hey" Ray warned him, "don't".

"You're such a bitch, you know that?" Elijah stared at Pierce with a frown on his face, "you're laughing at shit that isn't funny".

"Watch the way you speak to me" Pierce grunted.

"Or what? You're not going to hit me. Don't get mad at me when all I'm saying is that you're pathetic for laughing at someone who's in the hospital for a seizure. There's nothing funny about it, Pierce".

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