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Jacob's P.O.V.

I woke up to Winston still sleeping peacefully beside me. I blinked my eyes to help rid them of sleep. It was probably weird to stare at Winston while he slept, but I couldn't help it. He was really pretty, even though his hair was all over the place because he had bed head. I reached my hand up and gently brushed some of his hair down.

I didn't think Winston would wake up from me just touching him, but he did. I watched as he began to wake up, he breathed deeply before humming and blinking open his eyes. It took him a moment to understand what he was looking at, but once he realized it was me, he smiled a bit.

"Good morning" he spoke, his voice ridden with sleep.

"Good morning".

"How did you sleep?"

"Good, and you?"

"I slept good too".

Winston stretched out his arms and I caught a glimpse of the dark blemish that was on his neck.

"Your parents aren't going to be mad about the hickey... Are they?" I asked worriedly.

Winston shook his head, "no, they're probably gonna tease me about it, but they won't be mad. Why do you think they'd be mad?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know".

"Aspen will probably ask about it, but I'll just tell her it's a bruise. She'll end up forgetting about it by the next day".

I stared at Winston and began to think about the other night. I tried to stop a smile from making its way onto my face, but I couldn't.

"What're you smiling about?" He asked curiously.

"You know you really scared me the other day?"

Winston furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to figure out what I was talking about. They rose in realization and he shook his head a little.

"I really can't believe you thought I would just leave like that".

"You weren't there when I woke up" I whispered, "I thought you left..."

"After the first time we have sex?"

"Yeah... I thought maybe you were just waiting to have sex with me so then you could leave... I kind of thought you wouldn't be here this morning either..."


"At least I didn't cry this time" I rushed out.

Winston sighed and moved closer to me. I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes as he began to gently rub circles against my bare back.

I had cried the morning after Winston and I had sex. It wasn't because I regretted having sex with him. Everything went exactly how I wanted it to. I bottomed for him, yet I was the one on top until my thighs started to hurt and we switched. I felt good throughout the whole thing and not once did I feel like I was making a mistake. Winston made sure I was liking everything he did which was nice of him. I know I had surprised him when I told him that I liked to be choked, but he didn't refuse to choke me. He did it and he did it perfectly. So having sex with Winston went well and I don't regret having sex with him at all.

It was just the fact that when I woke up, he wasn't next to me. His side of the bed was empty. I was already insecure, so waking up to a half empty bed after having sex with my boyfriend the night before didn't really help any. I literally broke into tears when I realized Winston wasn't there. I really thought he left, so you could imagine my surprise when he walked into the room minutes later.

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