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Jacob's P.O.V.

Today was a very bad day.

I knew it was a very bad day when I woke up in the morning and felt disappointed that I had actually woken up. That thought alone scared me into stumbling out of the bed and finding the prescription bottle. I took one Prozac pill and screwed the top back onto the bottle before I could pour more pills into my hand.

I rubbed at my eyes once I had willed myself to leave the bottle of pills on the desk. I took a step back and turned away from the desk. My phone vibrated from where it was on the nightstand. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I looked at the screen and read the text message I had just been sent.

Ray: School today?

I hadn't gone to school in two days, the last time I had seen Ray was when he had unexpectedly came to my house. That was maybe four days ago, and I barely even remember most of what happened.

Me: Yeah

It was best if I went to school, I was going to start failing classes if I didn't. I stood up and began to get ready, I had to take a shower so I grabbed clothes and left my room.

In the shower, I took the time to look over my skin. My fingers scratched at the unbothered skin on my hips until it was red and irritated. The scratching hurt, but it felt good too... So I continued to scratch at my skin until I was sure that I was going to begin to bleed. After cleaning my body, I got out of the shower and proceeded to do everything I had to do to get ready.

Ray was outside by the time I was finished, so I grabbed my bag and yelled to my parents that I was leaving.

Elijah greeted me when we were on the road and heading to school. "Hi, Jacob".


"Are you okay?"

"Mhm" I hummed and shifted some from where I was sitting in the backseat. The skin of my hips hurt when I moved certain ways. It was kind of comforting. "Yeah, just tired. How are you?"

"I'm good, we're going to swing by somewhere and get something to eat for breakfast. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I don't have a problem with it".

We stopped at Starbucks and when we walked inside, I watched Elijah and Ray discuss for a short moment what they planned to order.

"Jacob, what do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry" I answered.

"When was the last time you ate something?"

"Um... I think it was yesterday, I ate lunch".

"That's a long time ago" Elijah commented. "You sure you just don't want a muffin or something?"

I honestly was not hungry, but I was trying to eat more for my mom. She keeps nagging me about my weight and I know it's only because she cares. I guess I should help her help me.

"Okay, but I'd like the mini vanilla bean scones".

"Those are good".

Once we paid and we received our food, we continued on our way to school. Elijah and Ray shared a breakfast sandwich and I quietly ate one of the three scones that I had. Once we got to school, I tucked the other two scones into the bag they came in and proceeded to place them in my book bag.

I wanted to go back home the second I stepped into the school building. The lights felt too bright and there were already too many people in the hallway. It was too loud and I knew it was quiet at home, so that's where I really wanted to be. I felt uncomfortable being here and of course, I didn't like it. I pushed up the sleeve of my jacket some and scratched at the inside of my wrist as I walked to my first class.

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