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Chresanto's P.O.V.

"I can't believe we're actually here" Ray muttered as he shook his head, his fingers tugging at the little stretchy tassels on the bracelet Elijah had given to him a while ago.

I shifted in the slightly uncomfortable waiting room chair, taking a quick glance around the room. There wasn't many people here, a family was occupying one corner and two other people were in another. There was one older man sitting by himself, who had dozed off and I think if my ears were hearing correctly, he was snoring a bit.

We were at the hospital, and thankfully it wasn't because of anything Jacob had done. As far as I know he was okay, we haven't talked since the suicide scare, but I don't think it's because we were angry with one another, because we weren't. At least I wasn't mad at Jacob, and as far as I know, I hadn't done anything for him to be upset about either. So we weren't at the hospital because of Jacob, we were at the hospital because of Elijah, or more specifically Elijah's parents.

"Me neither" I replied, sighing afterwards.

"His parents are rude and fucking unbelievable".

Ray was right, Elijah's parents were unbelievable because the only reason why Ray, Elijah, and I even came to the hospital in the first place, was because Elijah's parents forced him to. Elijah's parents knew how to get their son to do pretty much whatever the hell they wanted, all they had to do was threaten to call the police on Ray's parents and Elijah would come to their beck and call.

Mrs. Johnson went into labor earlier in the day and being the trivial people they were, her and Mr. Johnson wanted Elijah to be there for the birth of his new sibling. Elijah didn't want to be there for the birth though, he had no desire to go, and he told his parents this, but in response they told him if he didn't show up then a police officer would come knocking on Ray's door. So Elijah showed up, and now we're here, Ray and I sitting in the waiting room and Elijah with his parents in the delivery room.

"It's unfair that Elijah has to deal with his parents' shit, he shouldn't have to be forced to do anything he doesn't want to do. His parents are immature for using his living situation against him in order to get what they want out of him" Ray ranted. "They have him wrapped around their finger and I hate it".

"They always have had him wrapped around their finger, Ray, they're his parents".

"They haven't been acting like his parents ever since he turned ten" Ray scoffed, "and they aren't acting like his parents now, they're just using their newfound power over him to get what they want. They don't care about him at all".

Ray rarely ever got worked up, he's not one to get angry over little things, it's usually the bigger and more important things that get him riled up. It wasn't a surprise to me that Ray was pissed off, this was Elijah we were talking about here. Ray cared for Elijah more than anything in the world, so of course the fact that Elijah is being manipulated into being apart of his parents' lives would get Ray upset.

"I didn't want Elijah to show up" Ray confessed, "I told him he didn't have to go if he didn't want to, but he didn't listen to me".

"You know he wasn't just going to stay at home, not when your parents were going to be hit with the repercussions, Ray" I stated. "He said so himself on the day he had to go over to his parents' house, he said he didn't want your parents to have to deal with any of the things his own parents try to pull. Elijah isn't going to let your parents' have their lives turned upside down".

All Ray did was sigh, so I took it upon myself to speak again. "It's just the delivery, Elijah will hold the baby, give the thing back to its mom, and then we can leave".

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