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Chresanto's P.O.V.

Jacob wouldn't say a word to me the whole drive back to his house, he was too mad and hurt to even look at me either. I really hadn't meant to upset him, but I knew it was going to happen when I told him my secret. I wish I hadn't told him at the stargazing event, it was a bad decision on my part. This was supposed to be a fun night for him, he was under the impression that he was going to have a really good time, but just like at prom, his night was ruined. I wouldn't be surprised if he began to hate looking at stars because of me.

I bit my lip to keep myself from speaking, the car was dead silent expect for when Jacob would sniffle and shuffle around in the passenger seat, he began to rub at his eyes too. I couldn't not speak though, I didn't want him to be miserable.

"Please don't cry" I spoke.

"Don't fucking flatter yourself" he croaked, it was obvious he was trying really hard not to start crying.

I wasn't expecting him to be in near tears, I just thought he was going to yell and curse at me, which he did, but crying wasn't something I figured he was going to do. Telling him about Axel was affecting him a lot more than I thought it would, he was really invested in our relationship... Maybe a lot more than I was...

I love Jacob, but I don't know if I love him more than his brother. It's pretty fucked up, but Axel was the one person who genuinely made me feel happy in a really long time, I had other boyfriends before him, but he was the one who stuck out the most. Jacob makes me happy too, but just not in the same way that Axel had. It was so confusing for me.

When I pulled up in front of Jacob's house he didn't even hesitate to get out of the car, I watched as he grabbed the things he'd brought with him from the backseat. He didn't dare look at me, but I could see the way his cheeks were wet with tears. No words were exchanged, he closed the door and began walking up his driveway. I watched as he stepped into his house and flinched when the front door was slammed shut.

I sighed deeply and rested my forehead against the steering wheel, I wanted to make sure he was okay, but I couldn't just go and ring the doorbell because Jacob was not going to let me in. I sat in front of his house for a while, but I couldn't stay there forever, so I eventually drove home.

Mia was still up when I walked into the house, she looked up from where she was laying down on the couch. I didn't say anything to her, I just walked into the living room and sat down in the chair that was across from her. She raised her eyebrows at me and slowly picked up the TV remote, turning down the volume of the show she was watching.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" She asked curiously.

I nodded, watching the way her face showed how surprised she was. I never wanted to talk to her, so she knew whatever the hell I had to tell her must be a big deal.

"What is it?"

"I told Jacob that I dated Axel before I began dating him" I murmured.

"Wait, you didn't tell him when you guys first began dating?" Mia asked, frowning as she sat up. "You've been together for months now and you've just now decided that it was important to tell him?"

"I always knew it was important to tell him... I just didn't..."

"Chres, that's something you should've told him before you guys even agreed to date. I thought Jacob knew about you and his brother, he seemed to be really happy with you, so I thought he didn't mind that you dated Axel... But he just never knew". She looked at me and shook her head, "why'd it take you so long to speak up?"

"I really wanted to get to know him more, Mia. The first time I saw Jacob, I thought he was Axel because they look exactly alike, but I knew the person who I was staring at couldn't have been Axel because he was dead. I found out Jacob and I went to the same school, and I began to see him more... I don't know, I just wanted to see if he was like his brother. You know Axel made me really happy, so when he passed away, I was pretty upset about it. I saw Jacob as my second chance at someone that I once had".

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