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Jacob's P.O.V.

I didn't take Winston's offer on the ride to school. I felt like it would be too awkward and that wasn't something I wanted to put myself through. So I took the city bus and got off at the nearest bus stop that was closest to the school. I walked the rest of the way and by the time I'd actually stepped foot onto the campus, first period was already beginning so I was technically considered late and had to be given a tardy pass to get into class.

Last night wasn't the best for me. I didn't do anything except for lay in bed and skip out on eating dinner. I woke up late and had to rush to get dressed and I don't even think I took my medication this morning because I couldn't remember. This morning was shit and the rest of the day was probably going to be too. I went through the motions, I sat down in class and I didn't do anything except for zone out.

When lunch time came around, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't sit with Winston because he hadn't looked my way all day, not even during gym. I could tell that he wanted to, but he didn't. I couldn't sit with Ray, Elijah, and Chresanto because I didn't want to. So I was left to sit alone after going through the lunch line. I didn't care that I was sitting by myself, it was probably better this way.

Jasper must not have been filled in on what was going on between Winston and I. I watched him wave his hand in front of Winston's face before pointing in my direction. I didn't look away when Winston and I made eye contact because it's not like I was the one who was choosing to avoid him.

Winston said something to Jasper before looking away. I knew how Jasper was, so it wasn't a surprise to me when he abruptly stood up and crossed the cafeteria. He sat down in front of me and I didn't speak because I didn't have anything to say.

"Did Winston give you those?" He asked, finally speaking.

"If he did, do you think he would be avoiding me?"

Jasper shrugged, "maybe, you might have sucked in bed or something".

I stared at Jasper for a moment before rolling my eyes. "Winston didn't give me the hickies, Jasper".

"Then who did?"

"Who do you think?"

"Well I think Chresanto gave them to you, but I'm hoping that I'm wrong".

"You're not wrong".

"I figured, you had sex with him? Like... All the way?"

"Yeah..." I coughed into my fist before beginning to eat my salad. I didn't really want to discuss how I had sex with Chresanto to Jasper. It was weird and it's not like it was his business in the first place.

"Oh... He didn't like... He didn't force you, did you?"

"Chresanto didn't rape me, Jasper" I frowned. "Why would you even ask me that?"

"I'm just trying to make sure! I mean it's not everyday that you fight a guy and then a few weeks later you're having sex with him. Just watching out for you is all".

"I appreciate it, but I was willing so Chresanto didn't force me to do anything that I didn't want to. It's really complicated... Winston and I aren't talking right now. I don't want to sit over there because I'd just like to spare the awkwardness".

"Okay" Jasper nodded his head a little. "I can sit over here with you, if you want?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to. Your friends are over there so..."

"It doesn't matter, just let me get my stuff".

Jasper was already walking away before I could even open my mouth. I sighed loudly before just eating my salad, it was going to be a long lunch.

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