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Chresanto's P.O.V.

"What's with the suitcases?" Elijah asked as soon as he walked into my room with Ray.

"I have to pack some of my shit up" I answered, walking across the room.


"Because I'm being sent to a foster home".

I knelt down and unzipped one of the suitcases. I began to place some clothes that were already folded into it. I didn't notice that it had gotten really quiet, but when I did, I turned my head. Elijah and Ray were both staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're really getting sent to a foster home?" Ray asked quietly.

I nodded, "yeah".

"I didn't think Social Services was serious" Elijah shook his head a little.

"Well, they are. I beat Pierce's ass and now I've got to deal with the consequences or whatever".

"We're never going to see you again?" Elijah asked.

"Probably not" I lied, "they've got my ass moving like four hours away".


I stared at Elijah and noticed how upset he looked. Ray didn't look all that phased, a bit disappointed, but not distraught.

"I'm just fucking with you, the foster home is maybe forty-five minutes away from here, probably more like thirty to be honest" I admitted.

Elijah looked at me for moment before sighing, "I thought you were serious".

I shrugged my shoulders, "I wasn't, but you seemed pretty upset about it.

"Yeah... I mean, you're pretty mean sometimes but you're still cool, and you're my friend... Right?"

"Yeah, we're friends, Elijah".

"You used to really not like me".

"I know".

"How's Mia taking the news?" Ray suddenly asked. I noticed that he had moved and was now sitting on the edge of my bed.

"She's pretty torn up about it" I answered honestly. "She cried when she got the news. She feels like she let me down and that she let herself down too".

"How're you taking the news?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I mean... It is what it is. I'm only like thirty minutes away, I'm still going to the same school. I'm kind of disappointed in myself because I let Pierce get a reaction out of me. It felt good to have my fists connecting with his face though, if I'm being honest".

"You went crazy" Elijah murmured, "I've seen you fight before, but the way you were punching Pierce was... Scary".

"I honestly don't remember anything after I laid the third punch to Pierce's face. I blacked out, I was just going off of pure anger at that point".

"We know" Ray nodded his head, "we could tell, especially when you socked Jacob in the eye and didn't even bat an eyelash after doing so".

I sighed when Jacob was brought up. I forgot for a bit that I had hurt him.

"What even happened?"

"Well he saw you throwing punches at Pierce and I think he was just trying to get you to stop. He probably knew that this was the fight that was going to get you sent to a foster home. I tried grabbing him before he could get close to you, but he was too fast" Ray explained quietly.

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