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Jacob's P.O.V.

"Hey, how do you feel?"

I looked up at Winston from where I was laying down in my bed. I had just woken up from a nap and I wasn't expecting Winston to be at my house already. I didn't go to school today because I was still tired from the seizure I had yesterday. Winston told me he was going to come over after school was over, but I guess I forgot.

"I feel okay" I murmured, still working to wake up some. "My eye is still pretty sore, but that was expected".

"Yeah" he sighed, "do you remember anything?"

"Some stuff, I remember running over to stop Chresanto when I saw him punching the shit out of Pierce. I don't know why I thought that I would be able to stop him" I said. "I got in the way of Chresanto's rage, I know he's punched me before, but I don't think anyone can get used to how heavy handed he is. I don't remember much after that".

"Well I grabbed you and I walked us out of the cafeteria because too much was going on. We got as far as the library before you started having a seizure".

"Oh" I rubbed at the eye that wasn't bruised and swollen, "thanks for getting me to the nurse".

"Of course" Winston sat down on the edge of the bed. "Chresanto walked into the nurse's office while you were sleeping. He was surprised to see you there and had asked what happened to you. He said that he didn't remember hitting you".

"I figured" I said truthfully, "I don't think I've ever seen Chresanto that mad before. It was like he wasn't even there mentally. I know he didn't mean to hit me, I didn't give him a reason to".

"I wish you hadn't have gotten up and went over" Winston confessed, "then you wouldn't have gotten hurt".

"Yeah... But I was just so worried about stopping Chresanto because I knew what would happen if he got into another fight. I couldn't even stop him though... I don't want him to go to a foster home, that's nothing that I want for him".

"Did you guys talk?"

"Not like we should've. Chresanto walked with me to the cafeteria. He told me that he liked my new hair cut, and he apologized for how he spoke to me when I saw him at the cemetery".

I told Winston about my encounter with Chresanto the day I went to visit Axel. I was pretty upset with how the whole thing went down.

"At least you talked a bit... Do you think he's really going to get sent to a foster home?" Winston asked.

I sighed, "yeah, apparently he's been given a lot of chances. I think he's really going to go this time".

"Would you want to see him before he left? Assuming the foster home is far away, I have no idea if it is or not".

"You would be okay with that?"

"If it's something you feel like you need to do, and you want to do it, then yeah".

"Come here" I motioned for Winston to lay beside me. Once he did, I kissed him. "You're so good to me, you know that?"

"It's the only way I can be".

I looked at him and thought for a moment before speaking again, "what happened to your last partner?"

Winston hummed in acknowledgment, "he cheated on me".


"He cheated on me".


"I'm not completely sure... Well I do, but I just like to tell myself that I don't know why he cheated. You know how I'm always willing to give you things? And how I told you that I do things that other people want to do?"

Tempest (Royce/Winston)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora