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Jacob's P.O.V.

"Jacob, sweetheart, we need to talk". I stared at my mom from where I was laying down in my bed, but I didn't say anything to her. "Can you get up and come downstairs, please?"

I really didn't want to get out of the bed, and it wasn't just because I was comfortable, I just had no desire to get up. I did anyway though, following my mom down the hall and stairs, and into the living room where my dad was already sitting on the couch.

I sat down in the recliner while my parents sat down beside one another. They both looked at me and I shifted uncomfortably underneath their gaze.

"Um" I coughed, which seemed to break them away from their stupor.

"We've noticed a change in you, Jacob" my mom spoke softly, carefully. "We've noticed that you tend to stay in bed more, and the way you seem to just go through the motions of the day, and we can hear you in the middle of the night sometimes. It's coming back, isn't it? Your depression is coming back?"

I knew they were going to notice eventually, they weren't dumb, and I hadn't been trying to hide things very well. I rubbed at my forehead and slowly nodded my head, humming a bit in the process.

"Yeah, it's, um... I'm getting bad again".

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"Ever since my second seizure, things just haven't been too great lately, and I guess the stress and anxiety of everything just triggered my depression, I don't know".

My mom nodded, "we've already got an appointment with your doctor to continue the discussion of your seizures, while we're there we can bring up putting you back on your antidepressant".

I shook my head, "I don't want to go back on medication".

"Well you can't just let your depression get worse, Jacob". My mom frowned at me. "Prozac was really working for you".

"I know, but all it did was keep me from staying in bed all day, and it helped me with being a bit more social. I don't want to get put back on medication".

"Your father and I aren't going to allow you to let yourself go through your depression without help. The medicine helped you, Jacob" my mom was beginning to get frustrated, I could see it all over her face. "You're getting put back on Prozac".

"I'm not going to take it" I murmured, being defiant. "You can get me the pills, but I won't take them".

My mom's eyes suddenly began to well up with tears, it surprised me, but before I could speak, she was opening her mouth to say something. My dad stopped her though.

"Sweetheart, can I talk to Jacob alone?"

She stared at my dad for a moment before standing to her feet and walking into the kitchen.

"I didn't mean to upset her" I murmured, standing up and moving to sit beside him when he patted the space where my mom once was.

"I know, and she knows that, Jacob" he reassured, "your mother is just scared".

"Of what?"

"She's scared that your depression will become too much for you to handle. She doesn't want you to do what you were planning to do for a second time, and actually follow through".

I knew what he was talking about.

"I'm not going to contemplate suicide again" I shook my head. "The only reason why I was going to take those pills that one time was because I wasn't in the right state of mind, I skipped out on taking my medicine for a week".

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