Chapter 9

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This couldn't be happening.

Connor looked at the flame, burning a bright orange in his hand. He just created fire, from nothing. This is crazy, he thought. Havolynne had wide, expectant eyes.

"On your first try," Havolynne spoke quietly.

"Try throwing it at the wood." She said a little louder.

Connor became a little nervous. Fire will burn flashed through his mind. Havolynne held up her water canteen, reassuring him.  Connor took a deep breath. He thrusted his arm out, like he was throwing it. The wood caught on fire and burned bright.

He did it.

Havolynne grinned. She began to set up her sleeping mat. She was near the fire, yet, not too close. She brought out the berries her and Colin picked earlier. The three of them sat around the fire, eating their food that they brought and stuffing berries in their mouths. Nothing tasted better than blackberries, Havolynne thought.

Colin and Connor set up their mats when they were finished. Havolynne sat on the log.

"Go ahead and rest, I'll take the first watch," she told them.

Connor and Colin laid on their mats. Although he didn't want to, Connor fell asleep, snoring slightly. Colin however, was wide awake, there were too many things on his mind.

Havolynne stared out into the night. Who could be after the Water Elementals? She couldn't shake the feeling that they were after her. Could they? She had been thinking so much that she didn't notice Colin come and sit by her.

"You alright?" he asked.Her face said it all.

She was NOT alright. But she lied to him anyway.

"Ya," she lied.

"You know, I can tell you're worried about your fellow Water Elementals. I mean, why would someone attack a single group. They had to be looking for SOMETHING that only Water Elementals have..."

"It doesn't make any sense," Havolynne muttered.

Colin looked at Havolynne, staring into the fire. Thinking off, trying to find a solution. He never realized her amazing her eyes were. Her eyes danced with light, better than he could follow.

He stared at the fire in silence. Why did Connor have to beat him at EVERYTHING? he thought.

Havolynne scooted closer to him.

"I know you wanted to learn your Element," she whispered.

Colin remained quiet.

"You know, nowadays, Fire Elementals use their fire from anger, from rage. That's how they keep their flame burning."

Colin looked at her.

"But that's not how you will learn," she continued. "Fire was the source of light, and life itself. Don't create you Fire from anger, create it by light. Let it be your source of light, guiding you on your ways. Let it be the light that shines in your eyes."

Colin was quiet.

"How did you learn your Elemental?" Colin asked.

Havolynne recalled learning her Element. It was the scariest, but most important day in her life. It changed her.

"Water is the element of Change. It shapes us. When i was near my breaking point, something changed inside of me. I was no longer afraid. I was no longer that scared little girl, I became important. The water bursted around me, bending to my will. I saved my friends that day...." Havolynne said. Again, she left a lot of details out. She never mentioned her first time in the Magic World, or who was with her. Nothing about what happened to them, or their importance.

But she knew what Colin would ask next.

But he didn't.

"Try again," she encouraged him.

Colin held out his palm once more. He thought about light. He thought about what was HIS light. What was HIS meaning of light? he thought about the good times he had. His days of smiles. His days of laughter. He thought about Havolynne. She was his light. He thought about the blackberry bush. He thought about her eyes. The fire light dancing in her eyes. He heard Havolynne gasp.

He opened his eyes.


In his hand.

But it wasn't orange fire.

It was blue.

Blue Fire.




Havolynne's eyes were wide with fear, but understanding.

Colin was in awe.

"I knew it, I KNEW it," Havolynne said.

"Knew what?" Colin questioned.

"You had untapped power. You had something different about you. Blue fire, it's rare. It's powerful. Blue fire is a flame that burns bright and hot. It's only been heard of once before. It's..... amazing." Havolynne said in awe.

He did it. He was a true Fire Elemental. With BLUE fire. He was better than Connor.

He was.

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