Looking for Ice Cream

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Prompt: Photo up there 👆 cto


It's that time of the year when it's raining too hard to go outside and too cold to do anything. It was the perfect cuddle lazy day weather for Alyssa and Dennise.

Alyssa was leaning into the headboard of the bed wearing Dennise's gray sweater, the one she wore the other to school that Alyssa could smell her strawberry perfume and sweet Jasmine scent on it. She had the smaller one tucked in between her arms, wearing Alyssa's Ateneo hoodie with a huge Valdez embroidered at the back accompanied by her trademark no. 2.

Dennise is happily munching on a bowl of popcorn and is lazily splayed on the bed with her back leaning against Alyssa's chest as she watches Finding Dory for the umpteenth time. Alyssa insisted that they watch another Pixar movie instead but Dennise insisted otherwise. Alyssa knowing there's no point in arguing with her girlfriend, said okay.

"Babe?" Den whispered when the credits started rolling.

Alyssa was now half-asleep. She opened an eye to look at the girl she loves and lazily smiled. She won't ever tire of hearing Den say their endearment. When it comes from other people, she cringes but when it's Dennise, it sounds poetic. Because, come on, it's Dennise. Anyone would be so lucky to have her. Anyone could keep on dreaming because she's definitely not going to let go of her girl.

Dennise then started tracing the outlines of her dimples. Alyssa swears the girl just fell for her because of those. Den then kissed the part of her mouth where her dimple is placed. Her girlfriend and that weird addiction to her dimples.

"What is it, Den?" Alyssa whispered.

Knowing Dennise, she's sure the girl wants something or is craving for something. The last time Den was acting like this, they had to find an open Japanese restaurant at 10 pm because Dennise was craving for Yakisoba and sushi. Figure that one out.

"I want ice cream, Ly" Dennise said and buried her face near Alyssa's neck.

"Den, it's like zero degrees outside." Alyssa groaned. "With the rain and everything else. We're lucky to even find an open store"

"Babe naman, it's 16 degrees daw sabi ni Kuya Kim. It's not like we're in Baguio. Please. Please. Pleaseeeee" Dennise insisted with puppy dog eyes that she knows Alyssa couldn't resist them.

"Okay. Fine. Anything for you, Princess." Alyssa replied. Unable to resist the other girl's cuteness.

"Yay! Thank you, Babe. Love you!" Dennise gave her a smack before jumping of the bed pulling her up too.

"Where did you even get all the energy?" Alyssa said as she was reaching for the car keys.

"I don't know. My love for you, maybe?" Dennise said that made her blush.

It wasn't like the other girl to suddenly blurt out 'I love yous' or openly declares her love. Dennise was always clingy but never that vocal.

"Well, aren't you going to change?" Alyssa replied. Taking note of her denim shorts, tank top and of course her hoodie.

"What for? We're just going to buy ice cream" Apparently, her girlfriend is not aware of how incredibly gorgeous she is. Alyssa made a mental note to remind Dennise of that every single day.

"Babe, there will be people there. They'll be checking you out. I don't want anyone checking out what's mine" Alyssa used her captain voice and it got Dennise blushing.

"If they do, they'll know I'm yours naman. Isasampal ko pa yung malaking Valdez print sa hoodie mo. Let's go na. My tummy's screaming for ice cream" Dennise pulled at Alyssa's hand that she couldn't argue anymore. She's that whipped for her. And hey, she's not even complaining.

The rain wasn't pouring, it was pounding against the roof of Alyssa's red Chevy. She made it a point to be extra careful since the road is bound to be slippery on rainy days. They stopped at the first 7Eleven store they could find. The moment Alyssa parked the car, Dennise immediately sprung from the shotgun seat that Alyssa had to rush over to shelter her with an umbrella.

The moment they were at the ice cream fridge, Dennise was facing the greatest dilemma of her life. What ice cream flavor to get.

"So, which one? Strawberry, Rocky Road, Cookies and Cream, Double Dutch or Chocolate?" Dennise said as she was taking out four tubs from the fridge.

"Babe, you're allergic to peanuts, remember?" Alyssa removed the tub of Rocky Road and put it back.

"But, you love Rocky Road" Dennise whined.

"Yes, but, I love you more" Dennise giggled at this.

"You did not just compare your love for me to ice cream" Dennise pouted.

"Come on, babe. It's ice cream. At least ikaw ang pinili 'di ba?" Alyssa said and winked at her.

"Okay, because you chose me over your favorite ice cream flavor, You get to pick which one we're going with. Which one do you want to have?"

"I want to have you. Can I get you now?" Dennise laughed at this. And Alyssa swore it was to a degree of aesthetic perfection where sounds are concerned.

"Let's just get everything, okay? I want to cuddle all day with my gorgeous girlfriend" Alyssa whispered in her ear.

Dennise then grinned at her and tiptoed to give the taller one a chaste kiss. Her nose and lips cold from the harsh weather outside that she nuzzles her nose against Alyssa's.

In that one moment, Alyssa knew that she wouldn't want to do anything else in the world than to be with this girl in front of her. She knew that she could never love anyone the way she loved Dennise in their past years, the way she loves Dennise in this moment and the way she's going to love Dennise every single day of her life. Alyssa knew she's going to fall deeper in love with Dennise everyday and she wouldn't have it any other way.


An: Para sa kanya sana pero sa AD na lang. Thank you for reading. :)

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