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An: Seven means before infinity. Before infinity, we have now. Happy Ending 'to promise. May next part. Italics is in present. Normal font in flashback.



7:19 pm
The train is going to come soon.

People spilling out from the doors and people filling in the spaces left.

I took a step towards the sea of strangers.

Before I stopped in my tracks.

7:20 am
Where are you?

As I predicted, you rushed in front of our classroom as the morning bell rang. Looks like you got yourself caught in the morning prayer at the hallway. As usual.

I bit back a smile. You're not a slacker nor a late comer but I just don't get what's with you and Monday mornings.

Not that I'm complaining. This is what makes my day, my week, heck even my whole month.

A ten minute of nothing but discreetly staring at you, smelling that whiff of Lavender and soap. You always smelled so clean but not the creepy kind of clean. Like the clean that just came out of the shower and maybe sprayed a bit of antibacterial alcohol because you're a future doctor. And I'm totally not a stalker.

I'm trying for you not to catch my not so blatant but maybe a bit creepy staring but for the times you did caught my gaze, you smiled kindly like the angel you are. Oh God, why are you so perfect.

I can't help but let my brain flit to my first memory of you.

Freshman orientation.

The 3rd-years were tasked to guide us around the campus. You happened to be in the group of friends that were assigned to us. Your group was a rowdy one and you were laughing with them but not making any comments about the scary stories they were trying to scare us with.

Your laugh is the cutest. It's that laugh where you throw your head back and your eyes vanish behind a pair of long curled eyelashes. It's the kind of laugh that makes the world stop and makes the angels come down from heaven to sing the hallelujah chorus. It's the kind of laugh that kind of tickles your heart and make you smile involuntarily. It's the kind of laugh poets write about in poems when they fall in love.

So, yeah. Maybe from then on, I knew I was fucked.

It wasn't just your laugh tho. It was your eyes too. And heck, I don't know. Just maybe  everything about you.

The first time our gazes met, I dropped my gaze in a hurry. Why? Because, I'm drowning in your eyes. I'm drowning in the depths and trenches in a sea of blue. I gave you a shy smile and thank heavens you returned it.

Since then, I always find myself searching for you amidst crowds. In a sea of strangers, your face is the only familiar one.

My eyes naturally gravitate towards you. And every single time your gaze meets mine, something in me lights up. I don't know what to call this. A simple crush? A senpai admiration? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know anymore. What I'm sure of is it's there and it's real.

I Got You (AlyDen Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now