Getting Real II

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The alarm went off at exactly 5 o'clock. Alyssa groaned and was about to sat up to turn it off when the arms wrapped around her waist tightened.

"Nooooooo" Dennise whined in a soft voice, making Alyssa chuckle.

Alyssa looked over at the girl next to her, eyes still closed but a contented smile on her lips. She can't figure out how she got this lucky.

"Sorry. I tried not to wake you up" Alyssa said and couldn't help but stroke Den's cheek, making the other girl flutter her eyes open.

"Something wrong, love?" Dennise asked concerned.

"Nothing. I just can't believe I'm waking up next to you everyday" Alyssa sighed contentedly. Dennise grinned lazily.

"Too early in the morning for that don't you think?"

"I don't think there's such a thing as too early in the morning or too late at night for me to say how much I love you" Alyssa said sincerely and it made Dennise's heart swell with happiness.

"Now, that's just absolutely sappy, love. I love you too but you better get going. You have practice right? Go, before I change my mind" Dennise said shaking her head and sat up to kiss Alyssa's cheeks.

"I'll see you after." Alyssa replied and kissed Dennise on the forehead.

"Hurry home, m'kay?" Dennise replied and buried her face on the pillow.

"Yes po, boss" Alyssa replied and went on with her business.

Alyssa came home later to find that Dennise is nowhere in the house. Which is quite unusual since the other girl is taking a break from show business as the buzz about their relationship is still not dying out. This surprised Alyssa as it didn't occur to her they were that big. Alyssa knew that Dennise is hesitant to attention. And there's so much speculations running around about their relationship. Nonetheless they didn't let it get to them otherwise it'll overwhelm them both.

Alyssa doesn't regret anything tho. They've waited and suffered through enough scrunity. When she was on Thailand, she was at the peak of her career. Her dreams were at arm's length from coming true but something was still lacking. Alyssa was no fool to not tell it was Dennise that's lacking in her life. She's not going to mess up everything now and risk losing her again.

As Alyssa was preparing dinner, she realized that she could be happy with just this. Coming home from volleyball practice, preparing dinner, waiting for her girlfriend. Volleyball, Dennise and her. Yes, she could be happy with just that. Or maybe a little Alyssa or mini Dennise running around the house. Ah, yes. A mini Dennise with the same pout when she doesn't get her way or the same eyebrow arching from her Mom.

Maybe they'll get a puppy too. Dennise love dogs. Although she's too busy to take care of it yet. Alyssa was sure that when they get married, the other girl would pester her for one. It's not a question of if but when. They will get married, Alyssa will make sure of it. She's just looking for a right timing. She's not so sure about Dennise wanting to start a family yet.

Alyssa was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear her walking ball of happiness open the door of their apartment. Dennise was so ecstatic when she entered the apartment that she almost jumped all over Alyssa.

"Ly!" Dennise yelled to get the girl's attention.

Alyssa turned around, still wearing her apron and the most adorable expression that Dennise couldn't help herself but jump on her. Alyssa luckily caught her by the waist and Dennise found her arms locked around Alyssa's neck. Before Alyssa knew what was happening, Dennise pressed her lips on hers.

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