Stranger Named

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Prompt: We are all damaged but because of her, I am beautifully sewn

An: this is au. suggestions @ rabbitreen on Twitter


I got out of my red Chevy in front of my condominium building. Nothing much had changed. The same cars, busy people going in and out and oh of course, the girl that's sitting on the ledge of the rooftop and looking like any minute she's going to jump. Wait— fuck. That's not a normal.

I looked again and there was indeed a girl on top of our building in a lavender dress. And that's all I could make out from the height of 50 floors up. But, who would try to jump off a building in a lavender dress?

Without further distraction or anything as I didn't want to waste any more time. I headed straight for the elevator and hurried to the rooftop. I took a deep breath before opening the door quietly as I didn't want to scare the girl into really jumping off. We had been trained for situations such as this one after all, I have a degree in psychology and currently practicing clinical psychology.

"Miss?" I made my presence known the moment I entered the rooftop but the other girl didn't seem to notice or hear me.

So, I took a deep breath before repeating the question louder than before for the girl wearing a lavender dress. She turned to look at me with the bluest pair of blue eyes I had ever seen.

First the lavender dress and then blue eyes. Shit. People who try to commit suicide shouldn't be this attractive. They just shouldn't. It's illegal to rid the world of this kind of beauty. Damn it's illegal that a girl like her exists. Or maybe this girl suddenly remembers that she's an angel from heaven like those fantasy stories I've been reading lately and she decided to try out her wings. Yeah. Maybe that's it.

"Do you need something?" I was broken out of my trance when I heard her voice. Even her voice is cute. How could she be that perfect. I saw a tear escape from her eyes and it reminded me of my purpose here and that's to check on her not to check her out.

"I'm sorry. But, by any chance, do you fly?" I asked softly and she gave me a look.

"I'm sorry. What?' She replied puzzled.

"I asked if you can fly. Cause you look like an angel that came down from the heavens with all the hallelujah chorus and everything so I was wondering if you miss flying that's why you're here." A smiled tugged at the corner of her lips before it evolved into a hearty laugh. Damn. Her laugh even sounds better than a hallelujah chorus.

"Really? You're hitting on me on this ledge? Are you serious right now?" She said and threw her back laughing like a little kid. The fact that she knows that I'm hitting on her (which I'm kind of not and kind of yes) without flinching about it, is great. I always respected straight girls who are more accepting to that kind of perspective.

"I'm sorry if it came out that way but I'm really not hitting on you. Well... I would in another circumstance but not right now." I rambled and met her gaze. "It's just that I saw you from the parking lot and I kind of got worried about you. You could die from that height you know"

"Wow. So, psychologists are not as bad as I think they are or are you an exception?" She said after hearing me out.

"How'd you know I'm a psychologist? Doesn't matter. Can you please get off that ledge? I'm getting worried you'll pull a Spiderman on me." I said trying to calm down which wasn't easy since I had a terrible fear of heights. She let out another chuckle, making those tiny dimples on her mouth deepen. God, damn this girl for being so charming.

"Chill. I'm a Batman kind of girl" She replied but didn't budge and I was beyond desperate now to get her off that ledge.

"Oh, come on. You're really not making it easy for me?" I sighed and a sad smile appeared on her side profile.

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