Getting Real

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An: This is a suggestion/request I decided to accept. Hope it met your expectations. You guys can tweet or dm me your suggestions at my twitter account @ rabbitreen.


Alyssa got up from her seat and got her luggage from the compartment. It has been three years since she left for Thailand to play for their national team. Three long years since she set foot in the mother land. Her family and friends often came to visit her but nothing beats home. Nothing beats the feeling of having people you love within arms reach and not just a call away.

Alyssa was surprised when she saw half a dozen bodyguards waiting for her. The Thailand crowd wasn't this big. It has been so long that she forget that she's a volleyball superstar here. Of course there were fans even in her UAAP days but they were not like this. Even the paparazzi doubled in number. She made it a point to make her arrival a secret but it seems like the secrecy was no use. These people knows where to smell fresh scoops when they need one.

A thought tugged at Alyssa's mind. It was their plan that her girlfriend be the one to pick her up from the airport. How was she going to find her through all these people? Knowing her, she'll stay lowkey and wouldn't want all these attention hogging her.

She saw a figure from the sidelines in a black hoodie, shades, a gray shirt, ripped jeans, white vans sneakers and white earphones stuffed in both ears. Alyssa recognized that height and built anywhere. Alyssa couldn't see her eyes but she knows it's staring straight through her as if daring her to do something. Alyssa know better than to ignore the challenge. She whispered to her bodyguards to head to that direction as cameras were still snapping away and reporters asking her questions. They can wait, all Alyssa wants to do is engulf the other girl in a tight hug.

She didn't have to wait long as the girl dashes in front of the barricade and tackled her in a tight hug that they both ended up on the floor.

The paparazzi went wild as they watch the scene unfold. And why wouldn't they be? Alyssa wasn't out yet. She left the country thinking that she's this straight girl stupidly in love with a basketball dickhead. Little did the people know that her heart had always belonged to one person and one person only. This girl right here had always and will always have her heart.

"I thought you don't want attention, love?" Alyssa whispered in her ear as the other girl wasn't letting go of her yet. She stood up and stood her girlfriend too.

"Attention would always be wherever you go, love. If I'm going to spend forever with you, I have to get used to it." The girl whispered making Alyssa cackle, ignoring the paparazzi around them.

"Sounds like a loaded statement, love. Are you doing a marriage proposal right now? Because I don't see no ring" The girl went on her tiptoes and kissed her cheeks.

"Depends. How much do you want to risk?" The girl smirked at her. Again there's that challenge of making her do something. And there's no way Alyssa's backing out of that now.

She pulled the girl by the waist and removed her shades, revealing soft blue eyes staring at her. Alyssa would never get tired of seeing those everyday.

"Everything" Alyssa said before leaning in and kissing the girl in front of her. The hood she's wearing, went down. Then it got even rowdier. If the paparazzi were wild earlier, they went crazy now. Everyone trying to capture everything.

Years of hiding, years of denying everything and here it is. They're finally here, Alyssa Valdez is finally kissing Dennise Lazaro for all the people to see.

"Good" Dennise said. "Took you long enough."

Dennise tugged her hood upward and put her shades back even though she knows her face would be all over the social media in minutes. She knows better though. Nor does she care. They've suffered enough heartbreaks as it is when it comes to caring about other people's opinion. Not anymore. Not when Alyssa is willing to risk everything with her.

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