Always (JiaMich ft. JB Vs BD)

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An: I received a request for JiaMich with the same timeline as the one I received for a JhoBea Vs BeaDdie fic so simply put this is a two in one update. Lol. I'm hoping I could pull this off without conflict on both tandems. Sorry kung super late update.

This is it. UAAP season 79 is officially over. The Ateneo Lady Eagles headed to the church of Gesu for the mass. Each minding their own business.

Michelle Morente however was looking at a single person, their captain and her co-captain, Jia Morado. Jia is quiet and timid in times like this but something about her feels off. Everyone is in a down mood, especially the middle blocker, Bea De Leon. Jhoana Maraguinot is no better too since Mich can almost see the younger girl beat herself up for their loss against DLSU Lady Archers. Maddie, Ponggay and Jamie who are the usual goofballs of the group are also in the state of utter silence.

It was a hard fought battle for dominance coming from both sides of the net. Admittedly, the Lady Eagles are the underdogs these season, according to some sports analysts that is. Some are even doubting the girls making it to the final four, post Alyssa Valdez (and Dennise Lazaro) and post Fab 5 era. But, man did they prove those doubters wrong. They made it this far. That has got to count for something.

They were sad they didn't go all the way to gold but finishing silver is nothing to be ashamed of. They're saying goodbye to one of their teammates too. Gizelle Tan, the team's senior Libero is graduating from the team and UAAP today. Adding to the heavy atmosphere of the place.

Bea is the first one to arrive to the chapel. It wasn't much later that Jho took the seat next to her. Bea and Jho are in a rocky state due to the white mamba issue towards the two and G. The shipping thing between her and Jho is getting way out of hand. Jhoana is getting affected by what the fans are saying, Bea took the liberty of giving the girl space the past few days. She doesn't want to lose her best friend just because of it.

"It's not your fault, Jho." Bea whispered near the girl's ear.

Truth be told, Jho wasn't playing her best that day but it was just unfair for the fans to blame the loss on a single person when volleyball is a team sport. Jho came from an injury, the fact alone that she played and gave her best should be taken into account.

"It's not yours too, Bei. Stop beating yourself up for this" Jho whispered back and leaned her head on Bea's shoulder.

Bea is trying to act nonchalant towards the gesture but she can't control the flip flop of her stomach and the rampant beating of her heart. It's been how long since they've been this close. She misses her, girlfriend or best friend, she misses having Jhoana Louise this close and she couldn't give two flying fucks about what the fans will say. She needed her here now and the girl needed her too, the rest of the world can go ahead and fuck themselves.

"I don't know about that. I wasn't enough, Jho. I gave my best, it wasn't enough" She meant it as a double edged sword. Jho caught on, she placed an arm around Bea and rested the taller girl's head on her shoulder.

"Don't say that. You gave them a good fight earlier. When the team morale was down, you and Mich found a way to keep us going. You have no idea how proud I am of you. What you did back there? That's more than enough, Bea." Bea had a contradiction to the last sentence.

"No, it's not." She whispered. "I was never enough for you"

Everyone stood up for the 'Ama namin' they soon found themselves holding each other's hand along with the team. Then Jho laced her fingers through Bea's. The taller girl hitched a breath from the contact. It's so like Jho to do these things out of nowhere. Even after the Ama namin, it stayed like that. It wasn't until Bea tugged their hands that Jho noticed.

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