Chapter 2

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*.*.*.*.*.*. Valentina's P.O.V*.*.*.*.*.*.

"Dylan Give me my fucking lunch back you idiot!" I yelped and he just chuckled digging through it and pulled out my Nutella sandwich and my eyes widened.

"Dylan don't you dare..." I spoke threateningly as Nichole hid behind Sammy. He took a bite out of it and smirked and I leapt across the table and tackled him and got my sandwich and stood up.

He just looked at me wide eyed and I ate my sandwich glaring daggers at him. Some cute band members walked by and Dylan eyed them. "Well look at those hotties." Dylan blurted and Nichole and Sammy burst out laughing at Dylan's sudden change in thought.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating my lunch. "I swear to god Dylan." Nichole muttered under her breath and he just smiled sheepishly. We rolled our eyes at him and threw our trash away.

I had study hall so I went and sat down and started to sketch in my notebook. Sketching, drawing, and painting was one of my hobbies that I love to do and since I really had nothing to do since I was caught up in all my assignments I decided to sketch flowers and such.

I felt a presence next too me and I turned around to be face to face with Jenna. "You better stay away from Jayden. He's mine and he has no interest in you what's so ever so don't try or be 'hard to get' because he won't fall for it. He loves me and no one else." She snapped and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah that's why he fucks a different girl every night. Because he loves you and he's yours. Got you. Also man whores aren't my type so have fun getting more STD's from him cause that's just what you need." I shrugged and she scoffed and slapped me. Again.

Of course I didn't do anything. I couldn't. I sat back down and went back to my sketching.


Once I got home I saw my mom looking a bit nervous. "Hey sweetie..." she spoke softly. "What is it mom?" I asked getting worried.

"Oh nothing. It's just I have to go on this business trip for a few months and I need you to stay with a old good friend of mine." She said and I understood, it's one of those rare business trips she has. She's a lawyer.

"Ok" I said and smiled and had me pack my things and took me to this mysterious persons house.

I looked up at the house feeling uncertain and nervous. She knocked on the door to be greeted by a man about her age. "Good to see you Stacy!" He spoke happily and she nodded smiling back. "It's good to see you too Steven"

"Valentina, this is Mr. Stone. Tom this is Valentina." My mother spoke kindly. "It's a pleasure to meet you!" He said extending out his arm for me to shake which I gladly took. "You too Mr. Stone."

"Oh no need to call me that. Tom is fine." He said thoughtfully and I nodded my head with a grin on my face. "I have a son who should be around your age." Tom said and I nodded. "Jayden come here and meet our guest who will be staying for a bit." He shouted and my eyes widened. Mr. Stone. Having a son around my age. Jayden. How did I not put the pieces together.

Once Jayden appeared and saw me he clenched his jaw as I sent a hateful glare.


Cliff hanger! What do you think will happen? Hmm? Hmmmm? Please give me feedback on what you think so far. I really need it.

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