Chapter 4: First "Date"

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"What the hell is this old hag talking about?! What date?!?!"

To say Yuri Plisetsky was furious was an understatement. He looked towards Yakov in sheer anger. "Who is this woman, anyway?"

Ayumi stared in confusion as Yakov replied. "This lady works in the PR department of the Matsumoto Corporation. Apparently, the issue of you two being 'enemies' has not simmered down."

"It's bad publicity," the lady interjected. "The news of you two fighting in last years Grand Prix series is still making rounds in the figure skating community. It's slowly seeping into common knowledge as well."

The girl in question was even more confused. She knew the fight was well-publicized, yes. Approaching the Ice Tiger of Russia, who was well-watched by the Russian sports media, was not one of her wisest moves. But...

"How is that even possible? That incident happened more than three months ago. And it wasn't even a fight." Ayumi pointed out. "Wouldn't that issue have blown over already?"

The PR lady looked at her sternly. "Unfortunately, the incident has put into question your true personality. Many critics are saying that you may have a temper problem that can prove to be bad for business."

With that, Yakov added more. "The incident also brought back your issue with the press last year, Yuri. A lot of people are still in doubt after that brawl you got into with that delinquent from Poland. What happened between you and Yumi just increased their suspicions that your 'Russian Punk' image extends beyond the ice."

Yuri reeled at Yakov's statement. Yakov looked at him and continued. "Ruining your image is dangerous for your career, Yuratchka. Your sponsors are threatening to pull out if you don't settle this."

Ayumi winced. She was never in need of sponsorship to fund her skating career, as she always had the means to afford the training, skate time, costumes and travel expenses needed to compete. She can pay for everything without batting an eye. Yuri did not have that luxury.

"You two don't even need to go on a real date. You just need to be seen together having a good time, to show that there is no more bad blood between the two of you," said the PR lady.

That's where you're wrong, Ayumi thought. There is bad blood between us.

She looked over at Yuri, who was looking down on the ground in despair. She felt her heart break a little bit. It was obvious Yuri needed this more than she did. As much as she knew how difficult this would be, if doing it was really the only way to help the blond boy, then she was willing to go for it.

"Okay," she said, surprising both Yakov, Yuri and Victor, who stayed to listen in. "I'll go along with it."

Yakov then turned to Yuri. "How about you?"

Yuri looked at her, showing the tiniest bit of gratitude on his perplexed face. "Fine."

The PR lady clapped her hands together. "Excellent."


A couple of days have passed since that discussion. Yuri and Ayumi were left to do whatever was necessary for the so-called "date", and the PR lady gave anonymous tips to the media to keep their eyes peeled for the two teens.

It was 5 p.m., and both have just finished training for the day. Ayumi was busy packing up her stuff when Yuri hesitantly approached her.

"So... what do you want to do today?"

Ayumi looked up in surprise. "Huh?"

"You're a Matsumoto, so you're probably into fancy stuff, right? We can go to that expensive restaurant downtown if you want. Or we can—"

"No," Ayumi responded. "We don't need to go and do that. I'd much rather go for a simple walk. Maybe have a bite at that little café down the block?"

Yuri was surprised by this. "Sure." There was a faint blush in his cheeks. "I'll wait for you outside your apartment in an hour, okay? Just come out whenever you're ready." With that, he left the rink.

The girl was left in awe. He was finally willing to talk to her, at least. She took in a deep breath and headed home. She needed to prepare for this "date", after all. After going home and changing to a more appropriate outfit, she went down from her apartment to find Yuri patiently waiting near the entrance.

"Shall we go?" she asked. Yuri looked at her and nodded. The two then walked along the river to the café.

It was beyond awkward. Neither of them said a word as they approached the café, where they quietly sat next to a window. They ordered their drinks and fell into another awkward silence.

Ayumi couldn't take it anymore. "Are you alright?"

Yuri looked surprised. "Does it look like I'm not?"

"No, it's not that. It's just that I wonder if you're suffering through this. I'm sorry. I know how difficult it is to be alone with the person you hate."

Yuri looked down. "I don't.... I don't hate you. Not exactly."

Ayumi noticed a flash coming from the window. Great. Word gets around fast. She chose to ignore it, but she turned to Yuri and saw how miserable he was. She felt bad for getting him into that mess to begin with.

"I'm still sorry. I know this is all my fault. I shouldn't have intruded on things I had no right to that day. I'm sorry."

Yuri turned to her and replied. "No, I acted out of line. I shouldn't have taken out my anger on you. If anything, this was my fault more than yours. I was under a lot of pressure, and I... yeah"

Ayumi looked at him, concerned. "Yuri..." She then did something she never thought she would ever do: she held his hand. Yuri looked at her completely shocked. "I know this must be completely random, but I want to try and understand you. I always have. I want to be your friend, Yuri Plisetsky, and hopefully I can help you with whatever is bothering you."

He stared at her, and Ayumi was shocked to discover tears were forming on the boy's eyes.

"You... you do? Even after I—"

"Yes. I do."

Yuri was touched. He has never been asked by anyone to be friends before. With his snarky attitude and unmatched arrogance, no one has ever stuck around long enough to try. And here comes the person he least expected to do so, asking him to open up to her.

Ayumi smiled at him again. "So, what do you say? Friends?"

Yuri blushed. "Yes. Friends."

That was the beginning of quite a long night for the two of them.    

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