Chapter 28: Lilia

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One week has passed since she returned to Saint Petersburg, and Ayumi was thoroughly exhausted.

Her return to the rink made her anxious. She was already chastised by Viktor and Yuri about how worried and frustrated her rink mates were upon her disappearance. She entered fully expecting another round of scolding, but instead she was welcomed by tight hugs and tears (mostly from Mila). Even Yakov looked a little emotional. He patted her shoulders and kept himself composed, but everyone knew he missed the girl as much as they did.

Ayumi was just happy to be back. She missed her Russian friends terribly. Heck, she even missed practicing for six hours straight. Now that she was determined to return to the competitive arena, she needed to pick up the pace.

Yuri found out that the routine he saw her practice in Hasetsu was a short program she choreographed herself with the help of her ballet teacher. It was to the tune of a tango, and it made sense given the...seductive... moves.

Remembering the first time he saw it still made him blush.

She continued to practice the routine immediately after she arrived. She needed Yakov's help to get her jumps and spins back in top form. She hasn't skated for months, after all.

Ayumi was also beginning to search for the perfect song for her free skate. Because she meant the season to be a memoir dedicated to the last book Miwako told her to read, she needed a song that was consistent with her short program. After a week's worth of listening to various tracks, she's still empty-handed.

Yuri watched over her with pride. It was only a matter of time before Ayumi Matsumoto showed the figure skating world that she was back with a vengeance.


"Huh? That little piggy is producing his own free program?"

It was another day in the rink. Ayumi was on the ice practicing to her routine with her waterproof Walkman on. Yuri was on the sidelines, his legs up in a standing split. He leaned on the fence as he read the text:

Yuko Nishigori: Hi, Yuri-kun of Russia! I heard the other Yuri is producing his own FS program this year. They haven't decided what the theme will be, but I guess he and Viktor are choreographing it together. (05/09, 01:07 p.m.)

Yuko Nishigori: What about you? Have you chosen the music for your FS program yet? I look forward to seeing it! (05/09, 01:08 p.m.)

Yuri was ticked off. "Is Yuko trying to scout the enemy? Damn it." Although he had to admit, the Katsudon producing his own free program was a ballsy move.

"Oh? Yuri, did you go to Japan to find a girlfriend?"

He struggled to break free as Mila wrapped her arms around him mockingly. "No! Get off me, Mila! Are you horny because you dumped that hockey player, 'cuz I'm not interested! Besides..."

Yuri's gaze turned towards his best friend, who was performing a Biellmann spin on the ice. "I wouldn't go out on a date with another girl."

Mila saw where his eyes were focused on, but she decided to continue mocking him anyway. She suddenly lifted him over his shoulders. "Have I mentioned I've been practicing my lifts lately?"

"Let me down, hag!"

The two continued to bicker until...

"Yuri. Mila."

Mila turned to the source of the voice. "Coach Yakov."

The coach walked towards them displeased. "Are you two switching to pairs skating?!"

As Yuri continued to wiggle in a tantrum, they heard soft giggles coming from behind them.

"I think you better put Yura down before he explodes Mila," Ayumi chuckled, walking towards them after getting off the ice.

Mila slowly lowered Yuri down, and both turned to Ayumi in surprise. She was starting to laugh again.


"Yuri seems different since he got back. I wonder why," Mila commented as she, Georgi and Yakov watched the blond boy. "He used to complain about practice."

"There was no one in his bracket who could rival him. He knows that and it made him arrogant and unwilling to work hard," Yakov replied. "But I think his face-off with Yuuri Katsuki in Japan was his wake-up call. We may have an interesting season ahead of us."

"Hey!" "Huh?"

"It's Lilia Baranovskaya, the former prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Ballet!"

The gossip continued as a thin, strict-looking woman walked towards Yakov. Yakov greeted her, "Thank you for coming, Lilia."

She was straight to the point. "So, which one is he? If I don't like what I see, I'm leaving."

The skaters found themselves in the waiting rooms of the rink. Mila and Yakov watched as Lilia examined the blond boy.

"Oh, man. Who is this vedma?"

Lilia paid no attention to the comment and pulled at his cheeks. "Good teeth, at least." Then, she pulled his legs up behind him. "Not very flexible, is he? We'll start from square one with ballet lessons."

Yakov merely agreed with her as Yuri turned to complain. "Who the hell are you?!?"

"The person choreographing your free program," the woman interrupted him, placing a hand on his cheek. "That's right, and my expectations for you are high. You will be more than a principal this season—yes, you will be the prima ballerina."

She narrowed her gaze. "That is, if you are willing to sell your soul to win."

The boy stared at her squarely in the eyes.

"If selling my soul is all it takes to win... I'll give you my whole body, no holds barred."

A small gasp escaped the lips of the girl who just came in after a break in the locker room.

"Ah..." the woman turned to look at her in recognition. "If it isn't the Matsumoto heiress. I've heard much about you, dear. Your mother was a generous benefactor for the Bolshoi Theatre."

Ayumi bowed her head in respect. "It's an honor to finally meet you in person, Madame Lilia Baranovskaya."

Yuri looked at the formal exchange. He was surprised that she and the woman knew of each other. He saw Ayumi look with concern as Lilia turned to him and shook his hand.

"It seems Miss Ayumi has already introduced me. Now, I want you to go home and pack up your things. You'll be living with me from now on to practice." She turned to his coach, "So will you, Yakov."

The two men protested. "Lilia!"

"Don't get me wrong, Yakov. I don't intend to get back together with you."

As Lilia walked away, Yuri slowly approached Ayumi, sensing her discomfort.

"Are you sure about this?" the girl whispered. "If my mother has taught me one thing about Madame Lilia, is that she can be very—"

"I'll be fine Ayu," he answered. "The old hag seems intense, but if she can make me win then I'm going to do exactly what she says."

Ayumi can see the determination in Yuri's eyes. She gave him a supportive smile.

"Okay. Go with whatever you think is right, Yura."

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