Chapter 25: Defeat

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"Tell us how you feel going into this event!"

It was the day of the Hot Springs on Ice. Many people started to arrive at Ice Castle Hasetsu in anticipation for the showdown between Japan's Yuuri Katsuki and Russia's Yuri Plisetsky. The two skaters were standing at the side of the rink being interviewed by Hisashi Morooka.

Yuuri Katsuki answered first. "Uhm, it'd be great if you'd try the hot springs afterward..."

"Hey! We're not asking you to promote tourism! Promote yourself!"

"We don't need two Yuris. I'll crush him." Yuri said, his face permanently in a scowl.

Morooka was delighted. "Yes, that's it! Thanks for giving us what we wanted to hear! Спасибо, Спасибо!"

After the interviews, both Yuris went to the practice room along with Viktor to warm up. None of them were talking to each other. Viktor has been deep in thought since that morning, even though he tried to play it off in front of the media. Yuuri was stretching with his eyes downcast, while Yuri was jumping in place. Despite knowing he was about to go on the ice, his mind was far from his program.

The boys had little sleep the night before. They were frantic and tried desperately to contact Ayumi, but the girl did not pick up. Although Viktor told the two to relax and get some rest before the show, he couldn't sleep well himself. They told Hiroko that morning to inform them immediately if Ayumi returns to the inn, but it was already late in the afternoon. Nothing.

Yuri was called by Yuko to go out for his performance. He removed his Russian jacket and headed to the ice.

"Now, a champion with wins in the Junior Grand Prix Final and Junior World Championship, hoping for a brilliant senior division debut with programs choreographed by Viktor Nikiforov. Yuri Plisetsky!"

He greeted the audience and struck his starting pose. Then, the music started.

Sic mea vita est temporaria
cupit ardenter caritatem aeternam

Yuri started the program with such brilliance. His movements were solid and graceful; no one can take their eyes off him. He prepared for his first jump: a triple Axel. Success.

All his jumps and spins were flawless. He was a beautiful, ever-evolving monster on the ice. All the spectators were in awe as he unveiled the second half of the routine.

Though his routine was angelic and peaceful, his mind was anything but.

Sorry, grandpa, he thought as he struggled with the last part of the program. I'm too busy trying to skate the program to really think about agape at all!

Images of his grandfather flashed in bits and pieces in his mind, but he couldn't focus on the feeling of love. Suddenly, the images took a dark turn. His grandfather being sick. His grandfather alone in Moscow...

... and then, Ayumi. Ayumi sobbing the night of the banquet. Ayumi's defeated expression the night before.

"Wait for me. I'm heading over there."

She was in God knows where after leaving Hasetsu. She said she was going to get drunk, and even though he has never tried it himself, he knew how dangerous that was.

Ayu! Don't you dare do it! Please!

The final combination spin was probably the hardest thing he ever had to perform in his life.

Damn it! Just end already!

He raised his arms in the air. Applause thundered throughout the rink, and he faked a smile for the audience.

I'm better than this!


Yuuri Katsuki took the ice.

His 'Eros' routine was remarkably different from the one in practice. Instead of seducing with the charm of a man, he moved with the allure of a woman.

His skating was not perfect. He flubbed his quad Salchow just as expected, but the way he skated reminded Yuri of why he was slightly threatened by the man in the first place.

The Japanese Yuuri was captivating. Despite his flaw, he knew how to express various emotions on the ice. Sexiness oozed out of him even though he was a 23-year-old with no actual dating experience.

One look at Viktor's smiling face, and Yuri can tell.

He left the rink with his skating bag in tow.

"Yurio-kun, hang on!" Yuko Nishigori followed him out the building. "You're going back without even hearing the results?"

He looked down in disappointment. "I already know the results. That performance..." He paused.

"I'm going back to train under Yakov. Later. Dasvidanya."

Yuko looked at him in understanding. Yuri faced her with a determined expression.

"Don't get me wrong! I'm the one who will win at the Grand Prix Final! Tell him tha—"

The woman's phone rang. "Hello? Hiroko-san?"

Yuri started to walk away, when suddenly...

"What?! Ayumi-chan is?!"

The boy quickly turned to Yuko, who looked utterly terrified.

"Hai! I'll go tell Viktor now!"

Yuko ran back inside the rink. He rushed to follow her, the worry in his heart increasing with every step he took.


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