Chapter 16: The Fall

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"Oh god, stop. This movie is making me cry."

The sound of blades hitting the ice echoed throughout the rink. It was early in the morning, and the skaters were back in Iceberg Skating Palace for the exhibition practice.

While the seniors took the ice, the juniors were sitting idly on the bleachers. Some of them, including Ayumi Matsumoto, were huddled together watching a romance film playing on someone's iPad. The girls were starting to tear up, but she just stared at the screen with a calm expression. Beside her sat Yuri Plisetsky, who was not paying any attention at all to what was going on.

Suddenly his phone rang. It was his grandfather calling to congratulate him on his gold medal win. Ayumi, now thoroughly distracted, leaned towards Yuri and greeted his grandfather as well. The old man knew of the girl when Yuri introduced her not too long ago, and he can tell that the kids were close. They engaged in casual conversation until Yuri's grandfather had to leave to pick up his medicine. The call ended, and Yuri leaned back with a sigh.

"You miss him a lot, don't you?" Ayumi asked, turning her head to look at him. "I'm sure he must be so proud of you right now."

Yuri turned to look at her. "Yeah, I know. I just wish I can stop by Moscow before heading back. I need to see how he's doing."

Ayumi has been an angel to Yuri when it came to his grandfather. She had one of her mother's staff check on the old man from time to time and report to him. That eased his burden a bit, but he still longed for the day he can see him face-to-face.

"I know," the girl replied. "Your grandfather's your only reason to skate. It must be hard not to see him. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find a way soon."

The boy gave her a soft smile. "He isn't the only one."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that... when I skated out there yesterday, I wasn't just thinking about grandpa. There was someone out there who I knew was watching, and... I wanted to make that person see me, and be proud of me."

Ayumi looked at him in confusion. "Who?" Before Yuri can gather the courage to tell her, they were all called back to the ice to rehearse the final program.

The girl stood up and stretched her hand out, offering to give Yuri a boost. "Tell you what, why don't you talk to me about this again after the banquet tonight? I doubt we'll finish any conversation with all this going on," she said with a smile.

Yuri nodded and took her hand. As they walked to the entrance of the rink, Yuri finally decided.

I'll tell her. I'll confess to her tonight.


The exhibition ended not too long ago, and the banquet was in full swing. Viktor, Yuri, Mila and Ayumi were standing close to each other socializing with fellow competitors, many of whom wanted pictures with the grey-haired Russian champion. Ayumi was talking to an American girl who was a fellow junior and a good friend, all while sipping a glass of champagne.

"Hey Yumi, is it even alright for you to be drinking alcohol? You're only 14!" Mila said as soon as she noticed. Yuri and Viktor turned to the girl in surprise.

Ayumi nodded. "Yeah. Trust me, I've been to many events like this in my life. I've been exposed to liquor at an early age. Don't worry, I got this."

The Russians looked at her with a tinge of worry, Yuri more than most. Ayumi just shrugged it off, gave them a smile, and continued in her conversation.

Everything was normal at first, until Yuuri Katsuki was seen walking around the dance floor drunk as hell. The 23-year-old skater took off his tie, and it didn't take long for all hell to break loose.

Suddenly the Russian Yuri was challenged to an impromptu dance-off. The two, along with Christophe Giacometti, danced crazily in front of every skater at the party. Some of the juniors had to cover their eyes when the Japanese and Swiss skaters started taking their clothes off. It was becoming a crazy night indeed.

As Yuri continued to dance with the Japanese Yuuri, he saw a man approach Ayumi and whisper something to her by the corner of his eye. Her face contorted into one of slight alarm, and she followed as he escorted her out of the ballroom.

What's going on? Yuri thought, but he passed it off as another matter of the Matsumoto Corporation that needed her attention. The dance-off continued with Viktor joining in. Yuri and Chris left the floor by then. The two skaters left danced with great energy, and by the end of the whole thing they were all a mix of messy hair and disheveled clothing.

Yuuri Katsuki clung to Viktor in a drunk daze. "Viktor," he groaned, "After this season ends, my family runs a hot spring resort, so please come!"

The man looked at the Russian's eyes. "If I win this dance-off... you'll be my coach, right?" He suddenly pulled Viktor in for a tighter hug. "Be my coach, Viktor!!!"

Viktor couldn't help but blush as he let out a soft gasp.


Everyone was starting to head out as the banquet officially ended.

The awkwardness caused by the dance-off faded immediately after it ended, but Yakov still had choice words to say to his two male students. He reprimanded them, and wouldn't shut up about it even as they were about to leave the ballroom.

JJ soon came over and tackled Viktor in a mocking arm-lock, going on and on about how the Russian just embarrassed himself in front of everyone at the party. Viktor casually shrugged it off, refusing to even engage in conversation with the Canadian.

It was Mila's question that took them all off guard. "Has anyone of you seen Yumi?"

Yuri's quickly turned around in worry but did not see the girl. "No one has seen her since that stupid dance-off started," Yakov said, his tone a mix of anger at the boys and worry over the Asian girl.

The skaters present at the party were soon at the area outside the ballroom. Suddenly, Viktor turned and gasped. "Guys...look."

There, tucked in a corner of the lobby, Ayumi Matsumoto stood flanked by Kamoshita and another man in a tux. The girl had a phone pressed to her cheek, staring at the floor with tears streaming down her face. She did not speak, and Kamoshita slowly pulled the phone away from her.

It seemed like Ayumi was lost in a daze. Her breathing was labored and her mouth was slightly open in shock. "It... it's not t-true, r-right?" she said with a broken voice. "It c-couldn't be... I just s-saw..."

She turned to face Kamoshita. "It's not true, right? It's a joke, right? ... Right?" The old butler looked down in pity. "I'm so sorry, Miss Ayumi."

And that was when everything collapsed.

Ayumi's knees buckled, and she fell to the floor drowning in tears. She started screaming in agony, catching the attention of every skater that just left the party. Kamoshita bent down to pull her in for a hug. The girl couldn't be consoled.

Her rink mates, coach, and even JJ rushed towards her in alarm. Yuri was beyond worried. He has never seen Ayumi like this, ever. The despair evident in her screams scared him greatly, not knowing what the hell was going on.

Just then, the other man beside Ayumi immediately lifted her off the floor and rushed her out of the hotel, with Kamoshita close behind. They followed the three, worry settling in.

Yakov tried asking Kamoshita what was wrong, but the butler refused to answer to any of their questions. All they could do was watch as the two men brought Ayumi to the back seat of a black car, her form curling into an inconsolable ball. The two rushed to the front and drove away, wheels screeching at the speed.

Yuri stared out to the hotel driveway in horror.What was happening to Ayumi? 

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