Chapter 19: Encounter

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Three months. Three fucking months.

There has been no word on his best friend for three whole months. He waited for her to come around and call him after leaving during the Junior Worlds, but there was nothing. He constantly checked social media for any news, anything at all. Nothing. It was amazing how the girl managed to go incognito despite the media's newfound obsession with trailing Miwako Ogawa's friends.

Of course, the media interest dissipated after a while. With Miwako's parents becoming very secretive and having little to say about the eight teens, the whole issue became pointless to follow. However, the lack of anything regarding Ayumi Matsumoto frustrated Yuri to wits' end.

He was angry. Angry at her. After all they have been through together, after promising him she wouldn't leave him, that was exactly what she did. He felt like she did not trust him despite how much he opened up to her.

She saw a side of him that he never showed anyone else. He formed a bond with her that he never thought he would. Heck, he loved her for crying out loud. Did their friendship not matter to her? Did HE not matter to her?!

The boy tried to move on with his life, spending those months practicing like he usually did. However, the bitterness and arrogance that radiated from him was hard to miss. Even though he talked to his rink mates and was his typical sarcastic self, they knew how affected he was by Ayumi's disappearance.

The three senior skaters just looked at the boy and sighed. As if his feelings for her were not already painfully obvious before.


Viktor just got back from Japan after competing in the World Figure Skating Championships. As expected, he emerged at the top of the pack, bringing his total World Championship wins to five. The season has officially ended, and it was finally time for the skaters to relax a little bit before working on their programs for the next one. The Russians were ready for a relatively uneventful month ahead.

That is, until something went viral on YouTube.

'Katsuki Yuuri attempts to skate Victor Nikiforov's FS Program: Stay Close to Me'

The video of the Japanese figure skater replicating Viktor's program quickly made its way to the Russians. Yuri Plisetsky watched it as well, remembering the man he taunted months ago.

That Japanese Yuri is an idiot, he thought to himself. Viktor seemed to have a different opinion about it though, because he suddenly flew off to Japan as soon as he watched the video. News began to circulate saying that the World Champion was taking a break from competitive skating to become Yuuri Katsuki's coach.

Yuri was beyond irritated. "Why that fatso? Did he forget what he promised me?!?" He took his frustration out on Yakov, asking him what the hell was going on but getting nothing in response.

Days after that, he saw the first Instagram post Viktor uploaded after he left Russia.

@v-nikiforov Hasetsu Castle! #ninja

Hasetsu Castle? Does he want to become a ninja or something?

With that, Yuri made up his mind.

I finally found you. Just you wait, Viktor.


That was how, only a week later, Yuri Plisetsky found himself in a shopping street in Hasetsu, looking in awe at a tiger sweatshirt displayed in one of the stalls.

He couldn't help but upload a photo on Instagram after buying the shirt. As expected, Yakov called him in irritation because he did not inform the old man that he was coming to Japan in the first place.

"I told you! I am not coming back to Russia until Viktor makes good on his promise!!!" Yuri shouted over the phone and quickly hung up.

"That geezer's such a nag," he told himself. "I have my own plan, okay?" Yuri continued to walk around Hasetsu, reminiscing on the day Viktor made a deal with him.

He was at one of his earlier competitions, and he decided to change one of his planned triple Salchows to a quad. Yakov was pissed, reminding him that quads were forbidden at the time as his body was still developing. Viktor suddenly appeared out of nowhere, telling the old coach to let it go. But then he turned to Yuri, saying that he could win without quads, even the Junior World Championships.

"Okay, if I win without quad jumps, then choreograph a program just for me!"

Viktor agreed to this and shook his hand. A promise was made that day: a promise for the best Senior debut. A senior debut that will assure him a victory.

Yuri didn't notice where he was headed and suddenly found himself on a bridge. The sun was setting, and as he looked out to the water below, he was reminded of the sunset forever burned in his memory.

He sighed. There was no time to dwell on that.

He called out to Viktor. Suddenly a man fishing nearby directed him to Ice Castle Hasetsu, saying that it was likely the silver-haired foreigner was there. The boy immediately headed to the said rink, determined to knock some sense into Viktor's forgetful ass.



Yuuri Katsuki laid on the floor as the Russian Yuri stomped on his head.

"It's all your fault," Yuri said in anger. "Apologize." The man only looked at him in confusion.

Yuri let the Japanese skater go and leaned on a counter. "He promised me first that he'd choreograph a program for me. What about you?"

"Huh? We haven't gotten around to talking about programs or anything," Yuuri responded. This only made the boy angrier.

"What? You make him take a whole year off, and do what? Isn't getting him as a coach enough? As if a guy who'd sob in a toilet stall at the Grand Prix Final can change at all just by getting Viktor as a coach!"

The boy's anger made Yuuri smirk. "I don't really get the whole picture, so you should ask him yourself." He then led the Russian towards the entrance to the rink. Once they entered, however, Yuri Plisetsky was stunned at what he saw.

Viktor was there, skating to moves Yuri recognized as part of the short program he was preparing for the next season. He glided across the ice in full confidence and control, stopping to make one last pose.

But that wasn't what got Yuri's mind feeling like it was about to explode.

A soft, almost emotionless applause came from another person standing on one side of the ice. It was a girl with long black hair with full fringe bangs. The girl had a slender build, but was not any taller than Yuri was. She was wearing track pants and a dark blue jacket...with a small black pin on one side of her chest.

Viktor skated until he was right in front of her, staring her down as she bowed her head in despair.

"That was... amazing Vitya," the girl said, eyes downcast and avoiding Viktor's gaze. The silver-haired man simply looked at her.

"Now do you really think you can give up on all that, Yumi?"

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