Chapter 36: Heavy

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If there was one word to describe the atmosphere during the Men Singles' Free Skate day, it would be "heavy".

Ayumi came in early to inform the officials of Viktor's sudden leave and process any paperwork needed for Yuuri Katsuki, who looked completely agitated. Not having Viktor around was obviously troubling him. He did not even say a word to her during practice that morning. The girl could only sigh. She realized how close the two have gotten since she left Hasetsu, and she could not blame Yuuri for being so nervous.

The tension between her and JJ was obvious to everyone in the arena. The two passed by each other a lot during the practices and the warm-ups. JJ has even tried to approach her several times to apologize, all to no avail. She honestly wanted to just forgive and forget what happened, but she could not look at him without feeling utterly betrayed.

It seemed like their friendship was over.

Yuri Plisetsky, on the other hand, was infuriated at JJ. But he also felt confused. It was difficult to understand Ayumi's decision to stand by the Katsudon's side and become his coach for the day. He knew she was upset and wanted to make sure either one of them took JJ down, but it was still irritating for him to see her take on the Japanese piggy.

"Yuri," Yakov called from a corner in the hallway. "Your grandfather's here if you want to see him."

He rushed to the car parked at the back of the arena and sure enough, his grandfather was there, along with a paper bag.

"Why are you here, grandpa? Ayu's butler told me you weren't feeling well."

His grandfather hushed him and urged him to eat the contents of the bag. Yuri was stunned. He could taste pork, rice and scrambled egg as he took a bite of the pastry. It tasted just like...

"A Pork Cutlet Bowl Pirozhki," the old man explained. "Eat them and do your best in the free skate, Yuratchka."

Yuri nodded at him. With Viktor gone, I'm the only one who can win for Russia. Now's my chance to prove myself!


The event has started long ago, and it almost was time for Yuri to perform.

"Hey Yakov," he said as he passed through the curtains leading to the rink. "I'm changing the jump composition. I'll reduce the jumps in the first half from four to two."

Yakov scolded him, knowing that putting six jumps in the second half was suicidal. But Yuri was assertive, knowing it was the only way he can win against JJ and the Japanese Yuuri.

He saw Ayumi standing near the fence, eyes focused on Seung-gil Lee as he performed. She looked depressed and seemed to be deep in thought. He decided to approach her.

"Hey..." he whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You okay?"

She did not turn to face him. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Stop lying. You're obviously still upset. That damn JJ. I swear when I get my hands on that—"

Ayumi shook her head and turned around, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. "Don't. Don't worry about it. Just do your best today, okay? Go and make me proud."

Yuri's eyes widened at the touch, but nodded. She gave him a smile and left to fulfill her coaching duties to Yuuri.

It was finally his turn to skate. He pushed himself to the limit. He was out on a mission to win gold, for his grandpa and to avenge Ayumi. He never wanted to lose to JJ again. His Allegro Appassionato performance wowed the judges and earned him a free skate score of 199.87, a new personal best.

But then he saw Yuuri Katsuki. The Japanese skater seemed so down in the dumps without Viktor. Ayumi tried to be supportive, but she did not seem to be in the mood either. It was obvious the incident with JJ was still eating at her. The Russian watched as Yuuri continuously made mistakes throughout his program. He finished with a score of 172.87 and hugged Ayumi in gratitude.

The girl suddenly stood up after Yuuri's performance and went backstage. She already left the arena before Yuri could even get to her, with Kamoshita following her out.


"There you are, Katsudon! I've been looking for you!"

The Rostelecom Cup was over. Yuuri finished fourth and made it to the final by the skin of his teeth. He was standing on the snowy streets of Moscow when he was suddenly kicked down by none other than Yuri Plisetsky, who placed second behind JJ. Again. It was obvious the kid was agitated.

"What was with all that hugging earlier? Stop freaking me out! And your free skate was pathetic!"

Yuri then threw him a paper bag and urged him to eat the contents. It was some of the pirozhki his grandfather gave him before the competition. Yuuri ate the contents happily as they walked along the street.

The Japanese skater noticed the dismayed look on Yuri's face. "What's wrong, Yurio?"

"I can't believe I lost to that bastard again! I was already in top form! It's humiliating! I let JJ win! I'm sure Ayu's disappointed at me."

Yuuri disagreed. "She isn't. Ayumi's always been so proud of you. She was moved by your performance, and honestly... I think she may have feelings for you, too."

The blond boy looked at him with disbelief. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"When I saw her watching you a while ago, her eyes were sparkling. It reminded me of... anyway. We both knew she wasn't feeling her best, but when she looked at you... it wasn't hard to tell she was in love."

Yuri's heart started beating rapidly. "Shut up... shut up... shut up! Don't make me hope, Katsudon! You have no idea what it's like to want to be with someone who's just so unreachable!"

"What? How could you say that? Ayumi's never—"

"I know that! But look at where she is, and where we are! What can people like us give to people like her?! If I don't win the Grand Prix Final, then I'm just another skater! How can Ayu even date someone like that?!"

And what when Yuuri Katsuki realized: the Russian Punk had his own insecurities. Underneath his talent, bravado, and arrogance was a 15-year-old teenager who was just as unsure of himself as many other people were.

"Look, Yurio. If all that mattered to Ayumi, then she wouldn't have talked to you at all in the first place. The fact that she chose to be your friend and stood beside you despite your sharp tongue...for me, that means she saw something in you. You matter to her, and you have to find a way to believe that."

Yuri just continued to walk beside him, not saying another word.

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