EXTRA: Welcome to the Madness (Part 1)

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"Yumi! Come here and look at this!"

Ayumi turned her head to look at the person who was calling from a chair at the far end of the waiting room. It was an hour after the awards ceremony, and all the skaters were gathered to receive instructions for the next day's gala exhibition.

"Sorry, Mila. I can't exactly go there right now."

She was trapped in Yuri's tight hug, who grumbled and pressed his back on the wall. He was pissed. She has been trying to comfort him for the past few minutes by tracing soothing circles on his arms and allowing him to nuzzle her hair, but his anger wouldn't subside.

His mood went sour ever since the exhibition plans were revealed. Apparently Yuuri was going to perform his routine with Viktor, who just announced his comeback to the press. It was the first time Ayumi's ever heard of anyone performing an exhibition with their coach. Even more so, they were both male skaters. She knew it was going to enthrall the audience and leave a lasting impression. Yuri knew that too, and he was fuming at the thought of being outshined by the Katsudon. Again.

"Ugh! Just get your butt over here! Come on!"

She looked at Yuri, who reluctantly let her go. She joined the other female skaters who were gathered around Mila. There was a laptop in front of them. As soon as she got there, Mila pressed play.

It was a music video. A pop song, it seemed. Ayumi immediately picked up on the rhythm and nodded in approval, while the other girls started squealing.

"Seems like a pretty cool song" she told Mila, who shook her head at the girl's obliviousness.

"Don't focus on the song, Yumi! Focus on the guy!"

It was only then that she realized why the others were so hyperactive. The artist was... quite handsome. He looked older than she was, maybe in his early twenties. In the video, however, he was sporting a sleeveless hoodie that made him look younger and perfectly emphasized his biceps. She felt her cheeks turn pink when the guy flashed a flirty smile. The girls around her screamed even louder.

"Oh my..." she whispered.

Mila gave her a smirk. "Told you."

The scenes shifted between him singing and dancing while wearing a sleeveless white shirt. She recognized the lyrics as Filipino: a language she never picked up even after months of self-imposed exile in the Philippines.

Ayumi turned to Mila, perplexed. "Who is this guy?"

Her Russian friend responded with a smile. "I don't know, really. I just found his music video when I was searching for a song for my exhibition. You have to admit he's ridiculously hot, right?"

"Do you even understand the song?"

"Who cares? I just need him for breakfast!"

Ayumi was incredibly disturbed, but then she was distracted by the beat of the chorus... and the singer was definitely a sight for sore eyes. She swayed her hips along with the music, letting her thoughts wander away.


If Yuri was pissed off earlier, he was seething now.

The attention of everyone in the room has been taken by the unending squeals of the girls huddled around a laptop. He caught a glimpse of what they were watching: a music video with lyrics he couldn't understand. There was a guy in it who had a decent build and way too much skin exposed. He was practically wearing nothing but underwear. He winked at the camera. More squealing.

Sara Crispino grabbed Ayumi, who was bobbing her head, and shook her arm excitedly. "He is so cute! I wanna go and date him!"

She did not respond. Michele, Sara's twin brother, caught this statement and whined in despair. "Sara?! What are you doing, ogling that guy! What does that hyena have that I don't?!"

The bickering continued, but Yuri didn't give a damn about it. He was focused on Ayumi, whose eyes were glued to the video. He growled when he saw her hips sway to the beat of the chorus. She was actually enjoying it. Mila was beside her trying to coax any word out, but she was simply hypnotized.

What the hell? Why is she staring at that asshole like that?!?!

"He's so sexy!" another female skater said. Again, Ayumi did not say a word. Her cheeks were red.

Are you kidding me?!?!

JJ was looking at the whole situation completely amused. "Wow, who knew the girls were into that kind of heartthrob, eh?" He turned to Yuri and teased. "You better be careful, little kitten. It looks like someone's going to steal your girl away from you. Hahaha."

Yuri wanted to kill JJ on the spot. And just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, the guy in the video pulled his undershirt up, exposing the upper half of his body. The girls were in hysterics. Ayumi put a hand on her mouth and let out a quick gasp. He was infuriated.

"Oh, my god! Did you see those abs, Yumi?!" Mila squeaked. "You know you like it!"

Damn you, Mila!

When the song finally ended, the girls started to go on and on about how "hot" and "sexy" the guy was. "So Yumi, what did you think? He's hot, isn't he?"

"N-no... he's n-not!" Ayumi stammered.

The other girls heard this and started badgering her. "Come on! Just admit it!" "Don't deny it! Go on!"

It took several seconds before Ayumi burst out in embarrassment. "Okay! Maybe he's sort of partially good-looking! Please stop making fun of me!"

His eyes were wide as she ran to the restrooms with her palms covering her face. The girls giggled and continued to gush about the video. Mila, who noticed his glare, gave him an evil smile.

I really hate you, you hag!

Otabek approached him with a teasing smirk. "You sure look happy."

Yuri could almost feel steam come out of his ears. He wanted to literally burn a hole through Mila's brain for showing that to his girlfriend.

Really??? How could Ayumi think that kind of shit is hot?! He was just winking and showing his abs, for fuck's sake! Even I could do better than that!!!

He felt like he was about to blow up. First it was that Katsudon's free skate. Then his exhibition program. Now this!?!

Yuri wasn't about to let some muscular shithead grab his girlfriend's attention. He was not going to be overshadowed like that. Not without a fight.

He turned to Otabek with an evil eye and let outa snarl. "That's it! I'm going to change my exhibition song!"



Part 2 is coming up soon! It'd be fun to see how Yuri's jealousy works out ;)

P.S. I gave a little shout-out to my Filipino friends here in Canada.  The music video the girls were watching is what my friends showed me a few months before. It made a lasting impression on my mother, that's for sure. 

I don't remember the song title (nor do I understand it), but it's by an artist named James Reid (Isn't that a Western surname, though?). If anyone can tell me what it is, it'd really help fill that void in my memory (I could even add the video here). Thanks, and see you in the next update!

P.P.S OOH! I uploaded a song on Chapter 42! It was the song I was listening to while I was writing it, and I think it sums up what they felt during the confession :) Trust me, it's a really nice song!

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