Chapter 8: Fittings

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Ju-on: The Grudge. Thinking about that night made Yuri Plisetsky cringe as he entered the ice rink weeks after his first sleepover at his best friend's house.

Best friend. He did not hesitate to call Ayumi Matsumoto that anymore.

Since that night, he found himself a lot more open to Ayumi's somewhat bubbly personality. Honestly, there was not that much he can hide anymore from the person who has seen him scream like a girl while watching a Japanese horror film.

"It's a classic," she said as she doubled over in laughter at his loudest scream.

He was becoming a bit more outgoing, often teasing Ayumi when an opportunity hits. The girl was always a sport about it and regularly teased him back, leading to fits of laughter only the two of them ever understood.

Of course, things were different in practice. The preparation for the upcoming season has become a lot more intense, what with Ayumi's two programs already being finalized and the free programs of the Russian skaters slowly coming to life. Yuri was completely focused in perfecting his routines, always stepping on to the ice with the aggression he was known for. He vowed win and make Viktor keep his promise.

Yuri found the presence of his best friend comforting at times like those. She was a major influence in his song selection for the free program, having spent a day listening to various tracks on Ayumi's laptop before he found the one he knew would fit his style. She always watched his practice sessions with a gentle smile, and he liked how she would comment on his execution constructively without yelling. It was a pleasant change of pace. She was also a surprising source of smiles in the group, with Georgi, Mila and Viktor constantly coming over to her whenever they just needed someone to talk to.

He smiled despite himself. Ayumi has always been like that. It just took him this long to simmer down and see it. He walked in to the locker rooms and was welcomed by the sound of various voices.

"It's a little bit tight around the hips."

"Do not move, sir. I am still pinning the finishing touches on the coat."

Viktor was standing on a makeshift podium set up in the center of the room. A seamstress was fussing around him trying to work on the last few pins. Beside him was another podium where Georgi stood, a seamstress working with him as well.

Shit, Yuri thought. I almost forgot that today was the fitting for our costumes.

Around the two male skaters were Yakov, Mila and Ayumi. The latter was sitting on one of the chairs, her head propped on her arms lazily. She looked a little lousy, as though she was in desperate need of sleep.

That didn't stop her from commenting on Viktor's costume though.

"You kinda remind me of a matador from one of those Spanish bullfights," the girl said with a lopsided smile. Viktor was quick to argue that he was a prince and not a red fabric-waving bullfighter, and she just laughed in response.

Yakov turned to Yuri, complaining about how late he was for the fitting. The boy chose to ignore him as he walked past, finding a spot next to Ayumi and sat down.

"Don't you look like a ray of sunshine today Ayu," he said to her sarcastically. "You alright?"

Ayumi turned to him, her eyes barely open as she tried giving him a smile. "Yeah. It's just that I've been busy reading the information packets Nathan sent this time. It's about some company acquisition in Korea, so there's a ton of paperwork. I've been up the past three nights just reading through half of it."

Yuri looked at her in concern. There were quite a few days when Ayumi came to practice with a noticeable lack of sleep, but he has never seen her that drowsy before. He put his arm around the girl and leaned her head over to his shoulder. It was a good thing Ayumi has already been fitted in for her costumes before he came in. He decided to fit his costumes last, not wanting to wake the girl who was out like the light in his arms.

After the fittings, all of them decided to have a quick bite before actual practice. They all went to a small eatery outside the facility, with Ayumi stopping by a café to order a gigantic cup of coffee.

"I need it. Don't judge me." She playfully nudged him as she sipped her latte. He just smiled—he wasn't going to, anyway.

They came back to the ice rink and started warming up for practice. Yakov entered the rink, having a serious conversation on the phone. He ended the call and walked towards Yuri, remorse written all over his face. The rest of the group looked at him in confusion.

"Yuri" he said, suddenly looking away.

"What is it, Yakov? If it's about my step sequence, I've already told you I'll—"

"It's your grandfather," Yakov interrupted,voice solemn. "He's in the hospital."

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