Chapter 11: Admission

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"Is this alright?" Yuri asked as he wrapped himself up in a blanket, sitting on the couch with both legs crossed.

Ayumi sat down beside him and placed bowls of some dessert on the coffee table. "Yeah. We've had a long day, and we don't have practice tomorrow anyway."

And what a long day it was. It was only when the sky got dark when the two broke off from their hug at the small park and decided to go home to relieve the stress. To Yuri's surprise, Ayumi invited him to once again spend a night at her place. Yuri agreed to this without hesitation, and the two came home to a dinner already prepared by Kamoshita. His mood was lightened by their kind gestures.

They were preparing to watch a film in the living room after eating. Ayumi suggested an American film called Remember Me, telling Yuri that it was one of the first films she was forced to watch by her friends. She said that she ended up liking it though, and her persuasiveness made Yuri give in. Before putting the film up, she pushed one of the bowls on the coffee table to Yuri and looked at him with an expectant smile.

"What is this, Ayu?" Yuri wondered as he stared at the bowl. It was filled with all sorts of ingredients, layered on top of... is that ice?

"We call it BaoBing in Taiwan. It's literally shaved ice, and it's a popular dessert there. I often ate it when I was little whenever I felt down, so..." Ayumi explained. "Try it. It's really good."

Yuri looked a little hesitant but decided to go with it. Before he could take a bite, however, Ayumi suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a second!" she said, quickly pulling out her phone and opening the camera app. She then pointed it towards Yuri and smiled. "I wanna record the first time Yuri Plisetsky tries an Asian desert. Ok, go on now."

The boy looked at her with a small smile and moved to take a bite. As soon as the taste of it hit his tongue, his face turned to a look of surprise and amazement.

"Told you it was good," Ayumi gloated as she took photos. She then picked up her own bowl and scooted closer to him. Yuri couldn't help but blush a little bit.

She held out her phone and pointed it in front of them. "We should take a bunch of photos to remember this," she said with a smile. They took a lot of selfies together, each of them doing a few ridiculous poses.

Ayumi scrolled through the photos and smiled. She was glad to see that Yuri was slowly getting more comfortable ever since the incident that morning.

Remember Me soon played on the large TV with a low volume. They watched the film in silence, all while finishing up their shaved ice desserts. Yuri wasn't paying much attention to it though. He was busy staring in awe at the girl beside him—the girl who lent her shoulder for him to cry on moments ago.

Ayumi sat there distracted by the thoughts running in her mind. She really wanted to know Yuri, to understand what was bothering him. She knew that he probably wouldn't initiate a conversation about it until she coaxed him, though.

Might as well start now.

"Have you heard news about your grandfather?" she eventually asked him, her voice soft as a whisper.

Yuri turned his gaze towards his now-empty dessert bowl. "According to the doctors, his condition has improved. If all goes well he can come back home in a few days," he said, the tone of worry in his voice hard to miss.

"You really do love your grandfather, don't you?"

He turned to her and sighed. "Of course. Grandpa's the most important person in my life. He's the only family I have."

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