Chapter 32: Hesitations

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"Miss Ayumi, are you sure it's okay for me to drop you two off here?"

Ayumi looked at her driver and nodded. "да. Спасибо, Roman. I'll just call you back after an hour or so."

She held a small picnic basket on one hand, and held Yuri's in another. They left the car and walked until they reached their destination: the small park overlooking the sea. The place where she found Yuri a year ago.

"It's been a while since we've been here, hasn't it?" Ayumi asked the boy beside her. He nodded and helped set the blanket on the floor. They started to eat the finger sandwiches Kamoshita prepared as they watched the sunset.

Ayumi decided to be the first one to break the ice. "You looked so crestfallen today, Yura. I know the Grand Prix's fast approaching, but I have honestly never seen you so anxious about a competition before. Are you alright?"

"I don't know," Yuri admitted, once again letting his guard down in front of her. It was the softer side of him only she knew. "I want to win. I know I will. But I've never been in a situation where I wasn't already the best before the competition even begins. I can't help but feel like I need to exert every ounce I have into perfecting my routines if I want to defeat JJ and that Japanese piggy."

The girl took another bite of her sandwich. "I don't think you have much to worry about. You're an amazing skater. I told you that before, didn't I? I doubt there's anything you can't do."

He did not say anything, so she continued. "I just don't want you to succumb to the pressure. I know how much you need to win, but don't let your doubts creep in. Just get on the ice and love what you do. Trust in your programs. I mean, look at what you've done today. That free program was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen you do."

Yuri smiled to himself. Ayumi always seemed to know the right words to say to make him feel better.

"Shouldn't I say the same about you? Your free program... it was stunning. I never thought you'd have that in you."

Watching her skate that afternoon was like watching a flower bloom. Yakov and his students saw the rise of a woman in Ayumi—a woman who was daring and bold. It was unlike anything they ever saw her do before. She played the role of a 15-year-old temptress well.

"Thanks..." Ayumi whispered, her eyes looking out to the sea. "I just wanted to give justice to the book Miwako liked. I didn't want her to be disappointed at my performance."

He turned to look at the girl's face. "Do you still think of her often?"

"Sometimes," she replied. "Usually at night, before I fall sleep. I can't help it. But I don't wallow in self-pity anymore. Now I just choose to believe that she's happy, wherever she is.... I miss her a lot, though."

"You told me before that you didn't want to have nothing to do, because you think of the things that make you sad. Is... is that why you've been drowning yourself in work lately?"

Ayumi turned to look at him. "You worry too much, Yura. I'm fine."

Yuri was not just going to let the issue get glossed over. "Of course I'm worried. You're pushing yourself to your limits, you idiot. Do you think I don't notice how sluggish you are most of the time?"

On days when they have practice together at the rink or at Lilia's dance studio, it was obvious that Ayumi was completely overworked. She would come in with bags under her eyes and a cup of coffee in her hand. She brought her work with her, fussing over it on what little breaks they get in between sessions. Yuri has seen her burn the midnight oil before, but never has he seen her exert herself that much.

"I know. But don't worry, it isn't because of Miwako. I just have a lot to catch up on. I did disappear for four months after all. Life doesn't stop for me. I can't let the Matsumoto Corporation down."

The sun was now halfway down the horizon. They sat in silence, taking in the sea breeze. It really was great to get away from their hectic lives, even for just a short while. At that small park, Yuri was not the 'Ice Tiger of Russia', and Ayumi was not the 'heiress of the Matsumoto empire'. They were merely 15-year-old teenagers—young and emotional. They did not need to act tough in front of anyone. They did not need to hide.

Ayumi slowly held Yuri's hand. "I... I haven't thanked you for everything you've done for me the past few months. I know it must have been hard to see me break down like that, and I know seeing me like this now is frustrating. Thank you Yura, for helping me pick up the pieces... and being there for me all this time."

He laced their fingers together. "You would have done the same for me too, you know."

"I'm going to miss you when I come back to Taiwan next week."

Oh yeah, Yuri thought. Time slipped away from me so fast. I can't believe it's that time of the year again.

Her face was so close to his. Yuri looked into Ayumi's eyes and saw the caring, beautiful girl he always thought she was. The girl who always kept an eye out for him despite everything she was going through herself. The girl who could make him feel happy just by being there.

Despite everything that happened between them, he was still so in love with her...

... and at that moment, all he wanted to do was kiss her. But Yuri stopped himself before he could.

"I'll miss you too."

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