Chapter 34: Frustration

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Yuri Plisetsky was serious as he made his way backstage at the Luzhniki Sports Arena. It was the day of the Men's Singles Short Program, and he was determined to win the Rostelecom Cup.

The Ladies' events have already finished, and Ayumi has managed a massive comeback after her flub at the NHK Trophy. After an impressive free skate that morning, she won gold and secured her spot at the final. She was now dressed in her white Taiwan team jacket, sitting next to Mila and Georgi at the spectators' booth as they watched the event.

Everything seemed to move so fast. They have already seen the performances of Seung-Gil Lee from Korea, Emil Nekola from the Czech Republic, and Michele Crispino from Italy. Yuuri Katsuki was now on the ice, and Ayumi found herself going down to the sidelines in anticipation. Yuri was scheduled to skate next.

When she got there, she noticed him surrounded by Lilia and Yakov who seemed to be telling him something important. Her expression changed into one of concern when Yuri's face hardened.

"Grandpa, where are you?"


Damn it. I thought with grandpa here I would be able to skate 'Agape' perfectly.

Lilia took off Yuri's jacket as he made his way into the rink, just as the 'Katsudon' was about to step out.

"Out of my way, piggy."

He entered the rink and stayed close to the fence, waiting for the score of the Japanese skater to be announced. His avid fans were screaming and his coaches were urging him with words of motivation, but Yuri couldn't make anything out over the ringing in his ears.

That's weird! Everything sounds fuzzy! His pupils shook. Calm down. Calm down...

"109.97! He surpassed his personal best again! He's now in first place!"

The announcement was blaring, but that was not what brought him back. It was the arms that enveloped him with warmth.

"Yura," Ayumi whispered. "I can feel your heart beating out of your chest. Relax. I'll have Kamoshita go and check on your grandfather, okay? Just calm down. He's going to be alright."

He wrapped his arms around his best friend, returning the hug. But his mood turned sour when he saw Viktor kiss the Katsudon's skate. He let go immediately, irritated as hell.

"Yurio! Davai!" "Good luck, Yurio!"


"The next skater representing Russia, Yuri Plisetsky!"

The boy was already at the center of the ice, raising his arms up and circling to greet the fans. Damn it. I don't need you idiots cheering me on. I'm not that desperate.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he saw something that made his blood boil.

There, near the entrance of the rink, was JJ. Kissing Ayumi.


Ayumi sighed when Yuri pulled away from the hug and proceeded in a fit of rage.

She felt a person stand beside her. It was JJ, who was waiting for his turn on the ice. She smiled. "Hi JJ. Nice to see you again."

"Hey Yumi!" he greeted. "So... it seems you and Yuri have gotten pretty close, eh?"

The girl had a faint blush. "Yeah. I guess we always have been."

JJ did not seem like he was genuinely happy for her. Instead he was sporting a taunting smile, watching Yuri circle the ice.

"You know, there's something about that kitten that makes him so easy to torment. The boy doesn't know how to control his anger. It's insanely amusing."

Ayumi's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "JJ, what are you thinking?"

The Canadian turned to her and smirked. "Let's see how he reacts to this, shall we?"

Her eyes widened when she felt JJ pressed a kiss on her cheek, deliberately close to the corner of her lips. She heard cameras flashing around her as they captured the moment.

After recovering from shock, Ayumi shoved him away roughly, wiping her cheek with the sleeve of her jacket. She looked at JJ, appalled, and stormed out through the door leading backstage.

She could not even think about watching Yuri at that point.


Steam was practically coming out of Yuri as he lowered his head, waiting for the music to start.

On Love: Agape started playing, and he began to skate. However, he was completely out of it.

Crap! I'm not feeling agape at all! I'm just angry!

The fact that his grandfather was out sick and the kiss he saw did not leave his mind. Because of that, he slipped and fell on his triple Axel. Damn it! I haven't missed that jump once in the last year!

Then, a flying sit-spin. At that point, he was already feeling immense disappointment in himself.

It's not fair! I've been pouring my blood, sweat and tears into this since that humiliation in Japan!

He continued to the second half, re-evaluating his performance like he often does. According to Yakov, that was one of his most unique traits as a skater. He needed to do it quickly or risk losing more points.

I just lack experience, that's all, he justified. He refused to admit he was derailed by his emotions that day—it was unprofessional of him.

Yuri recovered somehow, nailing his last quads and combinations. He raised his arms high in the air as the song ended. He was running out of breath, but he still managed to bow for the audience.

Then he felt something fall on top of his head. Cat ears: dirty white, like his costume.

He skated towards the entrance. JJ was clapping right in front of him, completely satisfied by the outcome of his little performance with Ayumi earlier. "Oh, I'm sorry. Ladies' first."

Yuri was growling. If there was anyone I hate more than Viktor and the Japanese piggy, it would be you, JJ. Asshole!

As he exited the rink to approach Yakov, he looked around at the sidelines. Ayumi was nowhere to be found. Viktor and Yuuri were surrounded by the press, but their eyes were focused on him in worry. It was obvious they knew the feelings he held for his best friend and probably wondered if he was more pissed off than he appeared.

Oh, he was. Beyond.

Yuri sat begrudgingly at the Kiss and Cry waiting for his score. 98.09. It was disappointing, but easy to make up for in the free skate.

The Men's Singles Short Program has officially ended. JJ finished first, while Yuri was third in the standings behind the Katsudon.

Fuck! Damn it!

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