Chapter 41: Reconciliation

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"Yuri Plisetsky's score is 118. 56! He surpassed the world record set by Viktor Nikiforov!"

Ayumi was standing at the sidelines, her face a deep red. She was speechless. She couldn't hear the roar of the audience, the proud cheers of Yakov and Lilia, or Yuri's scream of joy. She could only hear her heartbeat thundering in her ears.

She stood still until pair of arms pulled her out of her reverie.

"Ayumi..." Yuri said, his face completely flushed. She immediately hugged back.

"Oh my god. Yura," she whispered into his ear. "I am so proud of you."

They stayed like that for a few more minutes before Yuri led her to the spectators' booth, his hand tightly clasping hers.

When they got there, they were greeted by the amused smiles of their fellow skaters, mostly from Yuuri and Viktor. They obviously saw Yuri's public display of affection earlier. The two teenagers were blushing furiously and tried to play it cool by focusing their attention on the next skater.


Otabek Altin from Kazakhstan was on the ice. Ayumi couldn't help but smile as Yuri cheered for his new friend. She saw the 18-year-old compete at the NHK Trophy, and she had to admit he was an impressive skater. His routines brought something new to the table, and his song selections were fresh and exotic. He has great taste in music, that's for sure.

When Otabek finished and his scores were finally announced, Ayumi saw Yuri grin with relief that he was still in first place. She just chuckled. Even though the Kazakh skater was his friend, he was obviously still as competitive as he's always been.

The light atmosphere didn't last very long.

"On the ice, representing Canada: Jean-Jacques Leroy!"

Ayumi tensed and held her breath. The others in the booth gave her a look of concern. It seems no one has forgotten that incident at the Rostelecom Cup. Viktor, who has always been like a brother to her, asked from the front: "Yumi, are you alright? You don't need to watch if it bothers you."

She did not respond. Her eyes were fixated on the rink. Yuri saw this and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, both watching as 'Theme of King JJ' started playing throughout the arena.

What they saw was nothing short of a disaster.

It started when JJ botched his first combination. Then his triple Axel turned into a single. Ayumi grimaced as her former friend withered under the pressure of the final, continuously making mistakes throughout the program. No matter how much he disrespected her that day, she never really wanted to see him fall apart like that. It was heartbreaking.

Then the scores were announced. 86.71, the lowest JJ's ever gotten in his senior division career.

Ayumi quickly stood up, and Yuri was confused. "Wait a second. I'll be right back. I just wanna see if JJ's okay."

"No, Ayu! Are you crazy? What are you—"

She was already out of the booth before Yuri could say another word.


The Men's Short Program has officially ended, and the Pairs' Short Program was next. Yuri Plisetsky made his way backstage along with the others who were also watching from the spectators' booth.

"Congratulations on finishing in first place, Mister Plisetsky! Tell us, how does it feel to beat Viktor Nikiforov's short program world record?"

He was suddenly hounded by reporters, all dying to interview him after his astounding performance. Yuri did not pay them much attention even when he was answering their questions. His mind was focused on finding the girl who ran off right after seeing JJ's failure of epic proportions.

Not to say he wasn't pleased about it. It surely helped his chances for gold. And he felt it was just right given what the Canadian did to Ayumi at the Rostelecom Cup. The asshole finally got what he deserved.

After getting away from the press, Yuri started to comb through the throng of people backstage looking for the girl. He entered one of the waiting rooms, and there she was. Ayumi had her arms around JJ while his head was lowered in disappointment. She rubbed his back soothingly, sympathy written all over her face.

As much as Yuri wanted to go and tear the two apart, he saw it coming. He knew his Ayumi well. She was incapable of holding a grudge. He knew she would eventually find a way to forgive anyone, even JJ.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I never wanted this to happen. You know that."

"I'm sorry too," he replied. "I guess it was bound to happen, especially after what I did. I really am sorry, Yumi."

Ayumi shook her head. "I already forgave you, so stop moping. It's not like you at all." JJ chuckled at this.

"Just promise me you'll do your best tomorrow."

"Oh, trust me. I will. It's JJ style!"

Ayumi laughed heartedly. She and JJ were finally friends again.

Yuri stared at her with pride. She was an angel to everyone, not just him.

JJ looked up and saw him, flashing a knowing smile. Yuri was stunned. The Canadian then teased, "Yumi, I think the angry kitten needs to take you away now. Hurry before he tries to attack me again."

He scowled, but immediately relaxed when Ayumi turned around and smiled fondly at him. She gave JJ one last pat on the back, then walked towards him.

"So, what's up?"

Yuri didn't say anything. He took her hand and quickly led her away, his heart racing.

This is it.

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