Chapter 1: Hiccup Haddock

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You only get one first impression in your life, or at least that's what everyone says. Sometimes, this first impression can be wrong. Once you get to know someone, you can actually see that everything you thought about that someone was wrong.

That's something I like to call 'second impression', and that's exactly what happened to a young boy. A young Viking, actually. And to be fair, he wasn't that young. He was about 15 years old at the time.

He didn't have that many friends. He was more brain and no muscle than any of the other kids his age. He was the kind of boy to think his way out of things, not fight his way through. That's why everyone in his village called him weird and different. They just couldn't handle all of... him.

Every time he wanted to be where the action was, he ended up at the forge with the blacksmith. But every time, when the blacksmith was gone, he would go out there and try to help. And every time, he ended up destroying half the village with his... How should I put this in a nice way? With his... presence? That's as nice as it can be.

He tried to be a part of the other Vikings. He really did try. Gods! He even tried to be part of his own family! A very small family, truth be told. 'Twas just him and his father. His mother got taken away from the poor boy many years ago. The father tried to raise him alone, but it was a bit of a challenge. He couldn't understand his own son!

The father, who was the chief of the village, gave his son a beautiful axe, small enough for him to hold it, when he was just a baby. The blacksmith had made that tiny little axe for the chief's son. Unfortunately, the boy, who was different from the other Viking, used it as a paper weight. Even the Great Odin couldn't fix that!

The son was nothing like his father: the chief was big, strong and tall, while he was small, weak and... average height. But the outside wasn't what distinguished them. What did was the inside. The father had the soul of a Viking, a chief! The son though, he had a different kind of soul. His soul was what made him special, what made him unique.

He had the soul of a dragon. It was kind, even brave, like a dragon's. "The boy's name?", you may be asking yourself. It's Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. Great name! I know. Makes you wonder how such a boy could ever get a name like that. They say that a strange name like his would drive the bad things and creatures away... but what do I know?!

I'm just here to tell you the tale of a young boy who, unlike any other, was different enough to do something stupid... no... Something crazy..!

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