Chapter 3: The Sanctuary

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"Toothless? Toothless! Where are you?!", screamed the rider. "Argh! I swear, when I find this useless dragon, I'm gonna... *sigh* He always does this!", whispered the boy to himself. He went down the stairs to look in the kitchen. Maybe that dragon was just hungry.

"*sigh* Not here either. Every time, it's a new place! One time in the living room, the other in the kitchen, another time playing with the Terrible Terror. What now?! In the ceiling?!", screamed the boy in the living room. As he finished those words, he felt like something was watching over him. He looked up to see...

"Toothless... What are you doing up there..? How many times have I told you not to go on your little adventures without me?!", said Hiccup to his friend.

The Night Fury made a purring sound and dropped down on the floor. He rubbed his head against his rider's hand to tell him he's sorry. "Oh look at you! I can't stay mad at this little bundle of joy! You're just too cute!", said the Viking, squishing his best friend's face. Toothless did not like it when his rider did that.

To make him stop, he began licking his face.

"St-Stop it! That's disgusting!", screamed the man. He wiped out the saliva and pushed his dragon away from him. As Hiccup went to wash his face,Toothless decided to go to the kitchen and find something to eat.

The Sanctuary, as Hiccup liked to call it, was designed and built by the rider himself, with the help of a few dragons of course. It was built on a small island Hiccup had found 5 years ago and the building itself was enormous!

There was the main house, with Hiccup's bedroom, who was big enough for his bed, Toothless' 'rockbed' and Hiccup's desk, and the kitchen that had a stove, big enough to cook for all of the dragons.

Just outside of the kitchen, there was an extended area that had a garden and a few animals looked in a cage. Since he didn't have any shippements of food coming from the outside, the Viking had to provide for himself.

It also had a living room and a small balcony outside of Hiccup's room for him to look out in the distance if he wanted to.

The house wasn't the only thing in the Sanctuary: there was a forge, a training arena and a dragon hangar. Those three separate buildings are connected by wooden paths to the main building. The forge is used to create new inventions the Viking would come up with, like his fire sword Inferno or his flight suit that would allow him to glide next to his companion. The training arena is where Hiccup would train and practice some new tricks with Toothless and other dragons. Finally, the dragon hangar, where all the dragons who were rescued by Hiccup, except for Toothless, would sleep.

The rider had about 30 or 40 dragons that would stay with him. Each and every one of them as unique as the previous one. Now, now, enough with the Sanctuary! Let's get back to our main focus here: Hiccup Haddock!

Every morning, Hiccup would go find his best friend, go for a flight together, eat breakfast and finally start the day. That was their little routine. But sometimes, very rarely I might add, he would go out on his balcony and just think. Today was one of those days.

After washing his face, he left the Night Fury to his... thing, went on his gallery and looked at the sea. He usually wondered if there were any other dragons that were yet to be discovered or if there were other Night Furies out there.

But today, he didn't ask himself any of those questions. He just found himself whispering:

"I wonder what happened to Berk after all these years..."

Author's note:

Hello! So it's a new book I'm writing because... why not!? You may have noticed that I speak to my dear readers when I write. I guessed it could be fun to not just have a third person point of view but to also have it (in this case me ☺️) talk to the readers and interact with them/you. I hope you guys like my story!!

PS: Writing this on July 20th, 2018, I started to review all my chapters and correct my grammatical errors! Because I'm bored, but also because my dear readers deserve the best!

-Maya's Stories :)

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