Chapter 36: Meeting Drago Bludvist

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"Put them in a cage! We'll need them after...", shouted Viggo.

The dragon hunter that was holding the two riders began to walk towards the cage with Toothless in it. "Not with the Night Fury, idiot! That one!", screamed Grimborn, pointing at a cage next to Hiccup's dragon. The hunter grunted and went to lock up the dragon riders.

As they were walking this short road to their future prison, Hiccup quickly improvised a plan. When the hunter lightly loosened his grip on the rider's arm, he kicked him in the leg, then punched him in the face. The man let Astrid go and quickly replied to Hiccup's attack. Fortunately, the rider dodged the hunter's fist and gave him another punch in the stomach.

"Astrid, run!", screamed Hiccup while trying to fight a dozen of hunters.
"But the dragons!", shouted the girl.
"I'll come back for you! I promise!", screamed the girl, as she went deeper into the forest.

While the rider was possibly having his last conversation with the one he loved, he didn't see Viggo coming behind him. The man hit him in the head while Hiccup hit the ground, unconscious. "What do we do about the girl, boss?", asked on of the dragon hunters. "Leave her. We have the one he wants," answered Grimborn, letting out an evil chuckle.

He snapped his fingers and his workers began to dragged the rider to their leader's tent. They put him in a chair, removed his metal leg and attached his hands and right leg with rope.

"What about that leg?", asked a hunter pointing at Hiccup's missing foot. "Nothing! What is he going to be able to do with a footless leg?", answered Viggo. The hunter nodded and left the rider's left leg intact. After a few minutes, Hiccup finally woke up.

"Ugh! My head...", said the rider.
"I'm terribly sorry for hitting you in the head! It truly wasn't my intention, but drastic times call for drastic measures! I only wanted to talk to you, from business man to another!", said Viggo.
"*grunt* What do you want?!"
"Like I said! Talk!"
"I won't tell you anything!"
"Ugh! Where are your manners?! Don't yell at a man who just wants to talk! If you don't want to talk, don't then, just listen, my friend."
"I'm not you're friend!"
"Like you know, I work for Drago Bludvist, and something tells me that you're looking for him, right?"

All Hiccup did was frown at him.

"I'll take that as a yes! He's looking for you too, you know... Since I'm a reasonable man, I'll take you to him! In a cage, unfortunately, but I have to take precautions."

When Viggo finished his endless speech, Hiccup looked around to see if Astrid was caught or not.

"You're little friend isn't with us! I let her get away...", said Grimborn.
"*frown* Why?"
"She's useless!"
"No, she's not!"
"You care about her, don't you? Why wouldn't you?! With her pretty blonde hair and..."
"*grunt* If you touch her I swear I'll k-"
"*laugh* Please! Even if you would, how could you? You're stuck on a chair! And... if you haven't noticed, you don't have your precious metal leg."
"I'd... I'll... *sigh*"

Viggo laughed at his enemy's helplessness. It was time for him and his dragon hunters to go to Drago. They loaded their boat with the Night Fury and the one rider. "Boss, what about the Nadder?", asked a hunter. "Leave it! It's all part of the plan...", answered Viggo, with a smirk on his face.

At that moment, Hiccup was scared for Astrid... What was this plan he was talking about? They even left the key in front of Stormfly's cage!

They left Berserker Island's port to Drago Bludvist's lair. After about 8 hours on sea, Viggo and his men finally arrived. Grimborn personally took Hiccup up to his boss. "Drago, the rider and his Night Fury, as you wished!", said the men.

It was Hiccup's first time seeing Drago. He was back to the rider, so he couldn't quite see his face. All the rider could see was that he had the same body type as his father did: big, tall and muscular.

Drago turned around to reveal a face with lots of scars. I won't lie, Hiccup was very frightened when he saw his face. He immediately regretted his visit to Berserker Island, but it was too late now.

"We finally meet... Hiccup, yes?", said the man in a deep voice. Hiccup widened his eyes and gasped.

"H-How do you know my name?"

Hey! Sorry for not posting in a while... I was in Gdansk and I was visiting the city (I was forced too. I am extremely introverted and antisocial, so I hated it), so I wasn't really in the writing mood. Anyways, here it is! The image (not mine) that goes with this chapter is amazing!! I found it and I just had to put it!!! This book reached 4K! I'm very happy you all like it! See you soon (hopefully)!
-Maya's Stories

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