Chapter 6: The Escape

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Author's note:
Hi! Super quick, the video on top was what I listened to when I was writing this chapter. It kinda goes well with it, too! Anyways, tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday, I have exams. First French (cuz' I'm from Quebec, so... BILINGUAL POWER!!!), then English and the science... So yeah, wish me luck! 😊 (or don't whatever...)
-Maya's Stories

"Oh no. Oh Gods, no. This is very, very bad...", whispered Hiccup to himself.

"I bet they did it!", said one of the hunters.
"What?! We've literally been standing right here the whole time!", screamed the girl with the braided hair. The rider came closer to the group.

Maybe they weren't that bad after all...

Hiccup was finally able to see them all clearly. There was the blonde girl, possibly the leader, the twins, the chubby one with blonde hair and some other boy with black hair.

"This was a bad idea...", said the chubby one to the leader.
"You're still like... super cool and smart," said the other one. They might be a couple... Who knows?

Seeing them made Hiccup very perplex. It was as if he had seen them before, but he couldn't remember from where. He kept glancing at the leader. She was the one who intrigued Hiccup the most. He didn't realize he was tilting his head, but she did. They made an eye contact that felt like hours, but was actually only a brief second. They were (unfortunately) cut off by the guard Hiccup had knocked out earlier.

"It wasn't them...", started the hunter, "It was him!" He pointed at the rider. He looked behind him only to realize the man was talking about him. He let out a small chuckle.
"That's... I... They were already...", he started to say, but nobody believed him.

"Well, time for plan B...", he thought. He began slowly walking backwards to the armoury. All eyes were on him.

"Just... Calm down gentlemen... No need to worry... I'm just... going to...go", he began to say in a calm voice. The hunters followed him until he stopped.

The plan B was to... get out of the situation? Yeah! That seems about right!

When the hunters were around him, he took a random shield next to him and hit four of them with a single strike! He officially didn't know what he was doing. He was just punching and kicking and... I don't even know! He then realized he wasn't the only one fighting... the group was, too!

A hunter took out an arrow and pointed it at the leader. He had to do something! He had to help her! He rushed towards her as the hunter released the arrow. He jumped in front of her and blocked the arrow with his shield. They looked at each other for a moment, before Hiccup began fighting alongside the strange band.

The hunters were flying all over the place. Hiccup was throwing his shield at the hunters (A/N: Captain America style) and hitting as many as he could! The band didn't have the chance to do anything! Hiccup was moving with such precision and skill that the dragon hunters were all down within a minute!

When he realized he had knocked them all out, he widened his eyes and chuckled. He looked at the group surprised they were still there.

"Who are you?", asked the leader. When he saw that she was talking to him, he didn't know what to do. He couldn't just say his name! The only person to actually know his name was Trader Johann, and that was by pure accident. There was no way Hiccup would say his name! No way!

The only thing he was able to say... wait, no... do, was to run into the woods and find his best bud.
"W-Wait!! Where are you going?!", she shouted.

Hiccup looked back one last time, just to see her... familiar face.

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