Chapter 15: The new apprentice

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"Doesn't it bother anyone that this... guy works here now and we don't even know his name?!", scream-whispered Astrid to her friends. She wanted to keep an eye on him, you know... just in case he "accidentally" sets the forge on fire with the intention of running away. She felt like he had been on Berk for days, when it truly was just about a day.

"No. Doesn't really bother me that much. He seems like a cool dude, so...", answered Tuffnut. Astrid let out a small grunt. "Maybe she just likes him...", whispered Ruffnut to her brother with a little smirk on her face.

Snotlout, who heard what she  had said, wanted to defend his "goddess", so he said: "*scoff* Please! Astrid is way too sophisticated and amazing to be with some... hunter!"

While the group was debating on wether or not the stranger was Astrid's true love, Gobber was teaching Hiccup everything he should know, like how to build saddles or how to manage around the forge. Obviously, he already knew everything there was to know about... well about everything Gobber was trying to teach him.

"Thank you, Gobber, for showing me these things, but... to be honest, I kind of already know this stuff...", said Hiccup to the blacksmith. "Well then, we should probably start doing some dragon saddles!", said Gobber to his apprentice.

The one-handed man opened up the counter and began to take the orders. There were a lot of Berkians, which really surprised Hiccup.

He never imagined that most of the Vikings on Berk would have a dragon. He thought it could only happen in his wildest dreams...

He and Gobber started to work on one of the many saddles they had to make.

"Boy? Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, Gobber! Not my name, though, because you already know the answer: it's no."
"No! *light chuckle* Not that... You're not afraid of dragons, are you?"
"Nope! Why would I?"
"Do you have a dragon?"

Hiccup didn't answer immediately. He couldn't just tell him he had a Night Fury!

After a long pause, he finally said: "Just because I don't fear them doesn't mean I have one. They're just... misunderstood..."

"That's exactly what Astrid said when she showed us that dragons weren't all bad!", said Gobber in a cheerful voice. "W-What?", asked the rider. "Well... Three years ago, Astrid told us that we shouldn't be afraid of dragons, because they're just misunderstood...", answered Gobber while working on the saddle.

"Astrid's the one who brought dragons to Berk?", thought Hiccup. "You may not realize it, but you two have a lot in common!", continued the blacksmith. After their short conversation, they didn't say a word to one another.

The sun was setting and it was time to close the forge. "Good night, boy!", said Gobber. "Good night...", replied Hiccup, still thinking about her.

"Come with me. I'll show you to your room," said Astrid to the rider, who had been waiting by the forge all day.

"Why do you hate me?", asked Hiccup, as they were walking to this "room". "Because nobody knows who you are... And because.... because... Because you just came to our village and you disrupted it's peace and balance and you have no place here! Suddenly, everyone wants to be with you and everyone's interested in you!", screamed Astrid, who had stopped to look at the boy.

"Would it help to know who I am?", asked Hiccup. She didn't understand. Now that she's not trying to know his name, he just offers to tell it?!

"Come with me," said the rider, taking her hand and dragging her into the forest. It's may be time she met his best friend.

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