Chapter 27: New chief

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This might be the only time Hiccup and Stoick agree on something. When the chief began to laugh, the boy let out a small chuckle. "Gobber was right! You are quite something!", said Stoick, still laughing. "Thank you! That's... That's actually very nice to hear," replied Hiccup.

The chief patted his son on the back and opened the door. They left Stoick's home only to find Astrid waiting a few feet away. She was talking to Fishlegs when she looked up to see the rider and the chief leaving the house. She ran to them with a little fear in her eyes.

"And?", asked the girl to Hiccup. "This boy is in the right place. I hate to say it, but I was wrong...", replied Stoick. She let out a small sigh of relief and smiled to the rider.

"Astrid! While I have you here... I want to talk to you...", said the chief.
"Um, sure! What is it?", answered the girl.
"... in private."
"Can't 'H' come?"
"It doesn't concern him."
"Go! I think it's important! I'll just stay here, okay?", interrupted Hiccup with a smile on his face.

She couldn't imagine what Stoick wanted to talk about that was this important. They began to walk towards the front of the chief's house. They didn't go in, though, Stoick only had to talk to her alone.

"Astrid, I've been thinking a lot lately...", said Stoick in a firm voice.
"Y-Yes?", asked Astrid.
"I'm getting older, and I have been thinking about the next chief for a while, the one that will take my place. It would have been Hiccup, if he was still here, but with his disappearance, there is no one! And now this boy appears out of nowhere!"
"But now you know he's good, right?"
"Of course, but with him here, I stopped thinking about the next chief and started to thinking about him! And today, he showed me that we have a lot in common! He made me think of Valka... He's very sweet... He's perfect for you!"
"*nervous laugh* Yeah... We're not together, though... We're just friends..."
"Oh! Well... It doesn't matter! What matters is that I finally found the perfect chief for Berk!"
"Really? I-Is it 'H'?"
"*laugh* No! I don't trust him that much! It's you! Astrid, you care deeply about this village and about its people. I couldn't think anyone better than you for the future of Berk! You helped me a lot with Hiccup's disappearance. When the regular shippements of food stopped coming, you took your dragon and went looking for the problem. You save everyone! You may not be my daughter, but you'll be a very good leader for this village and I'm sure everyone can agree on that!"

Astrid didn't know what to say. She just smiled and left him to go see Hiccup.

"C-Could you met me at the Cove? Like, now?", asked the girl a bit nervously. "Yeah, of course!", replied the boy. When they finally arrived at the bottom, Toothless (and Hiccup) could see that something was wrong.

"Astrid? What is it?", asked the rider.
"Um... Stoick told me that...", answerde the girl.
"That... That what?!'
"He's gonna make me the new chief of Berk..."
"What!? Astrid! That's great! I'm so happy for you!"
He quickly took her in his arms and hugged her. When he was done, he let her go, but was still holding her by the shoulders. He had a huge smile on his face while she wasn't even smiling.
"Aren't you happy?!", asked Hiccup.
"I don't I can do it...", answered Astrid, a bit sadly.
"Are you kidding!? You're perfect for this! You're the most amazing person I know! It should be you!"
"But what if I don't know what to do?"
"And you think Stoick knows what he's doing?!"
"But what if..."
"Buts are for pooping! You're asking all the wrong question! What if you become the best chief Berk has ever seen?!"
"*laugh* Thanks, H... It really helps."
"You're welcome, M'lady! Stoick really choose well. Come on! Let's go back and tell everyone!"
"Can you not tell anyone? Please... I just... I don't want all the attention."
"You kept Toothless a secret, so I'll keep yours..."

They both smiled and went back to the village. They were greeted by their group of friends.

"What did you two talk about?", asked Tuffnut. "We mostly talked about you, we did mention Fishlegs once, but he wasn't our main focus...", answered Hiccup. They all laughed at his comment. Astrid really like him.

He knew how to make her day brighter and how to comfort her. Because of him, she now had enough confidence to accept her future role of new chief of Berk.

Hey! I totally skipped this chapter! And I'M SORRY!!!! I totally forgot about it! Anyways, there's a lot of dialogue in this one, but it's still good (I think). If you watched all the episodes of The Office four times like I did, maybe you realized that the "Buts are for pooping" part is from there. Or maybe it isn't... I don't know. When I was writing this, I just imagined Erin saying that... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my book so far :)
-Maya's Stories

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