Chapter 12: Let's have some fun

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"I think there's been a mistake here I..." "Now, is there?! What kind of mistake?", said Astrid, interrupting the rider, "We'll see if there was any mistakes... when the chief comes," continued the girl with a proud smile on her face.

"Wh-what?! T-the chief?! We don't have to... disturbed the chief! You could just... Oh Gods!", began to say Hiccup when he saw Stoick arrive. He tried to get out of the ropes that was holding him down. He jumped around and twisted his hands, but nothing worked.

Instead, he fell backwards and hit his head on the ground, again. He grunted out of pain. "This just keeps getting better and better!", said the Viking, "Could someone bring me a a wet towel or something... My head really hurts from all the... hitting..."

"Astrid! This is the man you were talking about?", asked Stoick in a very firm voice. "Yes. We think he's a dragon hunter, but his... costume is stranger...", replied Astrid. "Not a costume! *sigh* Not a costume... It's actually a..." "No one cares!", interrupted the girl, again. She obviously doesn't seem to like him!

Stoick went up to the chair and put it back up. He then looked straight into Hiccup's eyes, which made him feel very uncomfortable. "I will ask you this only once, boy. Who are you and why are you on my island?", asked the chief. The rider gulped. His father can be quite scary.

At that moment, Hiccup realized something: they don't seem to know who he is. Did they forget who he is or did he just grow up too much? Hiccup was daydreaming while the others were waiting for his answer.

"Boy! Are you going to answer or not?!", shouted Stoick. The rider immediately woke up and said: "I-I'm... a... Y-yeah! And I'm h-here because... of a Night Fury?" "He confesses! I knew it! What are we going to do then?", screamed Astrid to her chief. Tuffnut came up closer to Hiccup with a sad expression on his face.

"I... I trusted you. I thought we were friends!", he said. Tuffnut can be quite... strange sometimes. "Alright! Good talk! Astrid, I'm gonna go back to Ruff. You stay here with the chief and deal with... him. You got this!", continued Tuff, patting Astrid shoulder. And he left, just like that.

Hiccup and Astrid watched him walk away with a confused look on their face. Stoick looked satisfied. "Astrid, take him to the Arena... And show him our little friends," he said... smirking?! "When has he ever smirked!?", thought Hiccup, as his father left.

Astrid, who had watched her chief walk away, turned her head back to face the stranger. "Well, let's have some fun...", she said, smiling and taking her axe. "Wo-Woah! W-What are you doing?! Please don't d-...", started to say Hiccup, but was quickly shut up by Astrid's axe.

Don't worry! It's not the end of our hero! Astrid used the flat side of her axe to knock him out. Back to the story now!

When Hiccup woke up, he was... well, in the Arena he once had almost lost his life in. The pain in his head was just growing. He grunted.

"Can you not do that! My head is literally exploding right now!", he shouted to... whoever was there to listen to his complaints. There was Astrid, obviously, Tuff and Ruff, Fishlegs and Snotlout, and... Gobber?

"Well, this is going to be fun!", said Snotlout, in a very creepy, and quite frankly, almost diabolical voice. Who knew Snotlout could be this scary?

Hiccup could only imagine what would happen next...

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