Chapter 8: Thinking about... her

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Two days have now passed since the 'fiasco' of the Northern Markets. Hiccup flew back to his Sanctuary and Astrid and her group went back to... wherever they were from.

During those two days, Astrid hasn't stopped talking about the stranger she saw at the Markets. Hiccup did all sorts of things like train dragons, try to invent new things (but didn't end up inventing anything) or sleep. All those activities were to keep him occupied... to keep him from thinking about... her.

The rider was peacefully sleeping (like he always was) next to his loyal partner. He was usually dreaming about flying on Toothless, or about being able to fly without his dragon. Just gliding through the air and living the life... a dragon's life!

Surprisingly, this time, that wasn't what he was dreaming about. This one was a dream he hadn't had in a long time... 8 years to be precise. This dream didn't make him feel good. It was more of a nightmare for Hiccup than an actual dream if you ask me... He was frowning and mumbling incomprehensible things in his sleep, when suddenly...

"Oh Gods! It's Astrid! It was Astrid!", screamed the Viking, who woke up unexpectedly.

"How in the world could I have missed this?!", said Hiccup, grunting out of frustration. "I mean... She's got those eyes that just... And this hair, wow!", he started to say. "*sigh* And her smile!" He smirked at that thought.

He laid down in his bed again with his hands behind his head. For the rest of the day, he stayed in bed, thinking about the girl he used to know. Toothless checked on him from time to time, to see how he was. And every time, Hiccup looked happy, with a big, bright smile on his face.

48 hours east of the Sanctuary, there was a girl who kept on thinking about her nameless saviour.

To get away from all of her friends, she went to her safe place. No one knew where she was when she wasn't at the village. Not even her own friends! She found that place about 6 years ago, two years after the chief's son went missing. The Cove was the last place she saw him.

For two years, she never went back to that place. She couldn't handle the pain of her memories, of having lied to her own chief about where his son had been or what he had been doing. She never understood why she never told the truth about Hiccup...

He was just at a stupid cove and yet, she was unable to tell anyone he had been there, only about an hour from the village.

Maybe she had feelings for him? But every time she had that thought, she would deny it, thinking that was impossible because he was such a dork...

One day, she decided to go back to the Cove and deal with the past. It became her favorite place ever since that day.

She spent a whole hour at the Cove before realizing that the sun was setting. She came back to the village, but didn't head to her house right away. Instead, she went on the edge of the island to watch the sunset. She began to think about... him.

Hiccup, who was out on his balcony, was watching the thousands of colors in the sky. He began to think about... her.

Two Vikings, on two different islands, think about each other at the exact same time. Quite a coincidence, don't you think? It's like they're connected, even though they're separated by thousands of miles of water. Somehow, at the exact same time, they said the exact same thing while smiling at the sea:

"I promise you, I will find you!"

Hello! My english exam was SUPER easy! So... One exam to go: science. I put a little Aladdin reference in this chapter (when Hiccup describes Astrid). If you got it, I respect you, if you didn't, I suggest to you to watch more Disney movies... Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)
-Maya's Stories

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