Chapter 34: More secrets

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"Is everything okay, boy?", asked the blacksmith to his apprentice.
"Yes! E-Everything is just as it should be! Why wouldn't things be good?! *nervous chuckle*", answered Hiccup.
"You look... happier than usually! And when I bring that up... You get nervous... Why is that?"
"N-Nervous?! *scoff* W-Why would I be nervous?! You're asking too many questions! Just... let's finish these saddles!"
"*laugh* You know... I've seen this behaviour once!"
"Really! Another one of your long stories?"
"Oh no! Don't worry! It's very short! You want to hear it?"
"Sure... Just make it quick," answered the boy, not paying attention.
"The last time I saw someone strangely happier than the day before was when Valka kissed Stoick. Ah! Those were the happy days!"

Hiccup immediately looked up. Gobber may look like a simple one-handed blacksmith, but he can really surprise you!

"*laugh* So... You and Astrid are finally a 'thing', eh?", asked the man.
"What?! No! That! Not! We! It's! I!", mumbled the rider, turning bright red.
"Oi! Don't worry! I won't tell anyone! This will be our little secret! Well... Including Astrid, of course! *chuckle*"
"Um... T-Thank you, I guess..."

Hiccup gave him a small smile and got back to work. The day ended and the rider was still thinking about that kiss. It was only on the cheek, but it had to mean something, right? As he was about to leave the forge, he was greeted by his group of friends. To his surprise, Astrid was there as well! Tuffnut came up to him and was now inches from the rider's face.

"Why didn't you tell us!?", asked the Thorston twin.
Hiccup looked at Astrid with a 'you told them' face. She shock her head 'no' in a subtle way.
"T-Tell you w-what?", stuttered the boy.
"No more secrets now! We know... *whispers* everything!", said Ruffnut.
"W-What!? But... A-Are you sure?"
"My princess is always right! Right, babe?", said Snotlout.
"Ugh! Kill me now!", whispered the twin girl to herself.
"Tuffnut... We can't see inside your head...", explained Astrid.
"Why didn't you tell us you called the Night Fury Nightwing!? *whispers* It's so pretty!", said the Thorston boy.

Both Astrid and Hiccup sighed. For a few seconds, they thought their friends knew about... them!

If they even were a 'them'... But this is a long talk for another time.

"I thought I'd... surprise you!", answered the rider.
"The chicken would be very impressed with you! I love surprises!", shouted Tuff in a cheerful voice.

While everyone left to... wherever they were headed, Astrid stayed behind. She crossed her arms and walked up to Hiccup.

"*puff* That was close! *chuckle* R-Right?", asked the rider.
"Meet me at my house in an hour," said the girl in a firm voice.
"W-What!? B-But why?"
"Come and you'll find out..."
"But... Alright!"
"And don't be late!"

The next hour passed rather quickly! Hiccup arrived at Astrid's door and knocked. In a fraction of a second, the girl pulled the rider inside and quickly closed the door. She pinned him to the wall , which gave him chills up his spine.

"Alright! Hopefully nobody saw you...", said Astrid.
"It's kinda dark outside so I don't think anyone could see me," answered Hiccup.
"Good! You listen to me now!"
"*gulp* U-Um... O-Okay..."
"What happened yesterday... You don't tell anyone!"
"Because you think I'd actually tell someone?! Who could I tell?!"
"Good. Because nobody can know!"
"Oh! Um... About that... *nervous chuckle*"
"What about that?!"
"Gobber knows..."
"What?! You told me you didn't tell anyone!"
"I didn't! He just... found out..."
"How could he possibly have found out by himself?!"
"Well... That was kind of... Well... You could say it was my fault. Um... I was apparently happier than usual, so... Gobber just guessed. But he told me he won't tell anyone!"

Astrid let go of him and buried her head in her hands. "Ugh! Why did I have to kiss you!?", shouted the girl. Hiccup didn't feel so good at that moment...

"So... This was a mistake?", asked the rider in an almost sad voice. Astrid, realizing that she had said something awful, looked up and saw he was really hurt.

"*sigh* Wait... Hiccup... It's not like that!"
"Then how is it?"
"I... I don't know! But it's not a mistake! It's just that... With the twins, and with... with you being you... It's... *sigh* I don't know..."
"*small chuckle* Well, in that case... We'll have to have a long talk about this, won't we?"
"*laugh* I think we will! But... Can we not have it now? I don't exactly feel like it..."
"As you wish, M'lady! For now, let's keep this... us... a secret."

Astrid smiled, and so did Hiccup. They looked at each other in a way that even I can't describe! The rider then began to slowly walk towards the girl. He gently put his hand on her cheek, leaned closer and...

Well, I think you all know what happened next. If you don't, I can say that our Astrid was more than happy at the moment, and so was Hiccup!

But consequences come with actions... And those consequences are secrets... More and more secrets...

Their first kiss!! I'm very happy with the way I wrote it! I like to torture my readers 😈! Don't worry, there will be more... and those next times will have more details, because I'm all about details! This time was just the first time... Anyways, I thank you for the likes and the comments! All of them are positive so far! So... See you on the next chapter!
-Maya's Stories

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