Chapter 32: Big mistake

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While Hiccup and Astrid were having a wonderful time, Snotlout wasn't as lucky.

During the following week, he tried to get Ruffnut's attention, but nothing really worked. He tried bringing her various different flowers, writing love letter (A/N: As if he could!!)... He even brought her a sheep with a heart painted on it once... A sheep!

All of his attempts led to noting: Ruffnut still rejected all of his advances. Seeing Hiccup talking so smoothly with Astrid made Snotlout really jealous!

Enough with him now! Let's get back to the real hero of the story: Hiccup!

But obviously, when we talk about Hiccup, we often have to talk about Astrid as well. They're quite inseparable, and that's what Snotlout wants... a good relationships, but both Astrid  and Hiccup deny the obvious.

"*sigh* This is getting very repetitive... We are not together!", explained the rider, for the hundredth time.
"We're friends! Not... a couple! You really have to stop with that!", continued the girl.
"But 'H' is totally flirting with you!", said Tuffnut.
"I think you're mistaken... It's Snotlout who's flirting with Ruffnut... Not 'H' with me."
"Pfft! Yeah, whatever! We still see it!"
"See what?! There's nothing to see!", screamed Hiccup.
"Answer me this, Sir talks-a-lot... You like Astrid, don't you?"
"Well, yeah... I mean! Why would I hang out with her if I didn't like her?"
"And you, Hoff, do you like 'H'?"
"Yes, of course I do... He's actually smart! *sigh* What's your point, Tuff?", answered the girl.
"My point is... You guys are perfect together! I just have a feeling about this... And you all know what happens when I get a feeling!"
"We ignore it?"
Hiccup smiled at her answer, while Tuffnut continued what he had in mind. "Mark my words! There will be something between you two!" Astrid sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Are you done?", asked the rider.
"Yup! Totally!", answered Tuffnut.
"Alright, I'm gonna be at my house, working on... *sigh* something..."
"Want me to come with? I could help!"
"Sorry, Astrid, but sometimes, I need some time alone... You can come later, though!"
"Alright! Have fun... inventing stuff!"

And he walked away, just like that. When he arrived at his house, he was welcomed by Gobber.

"Oi! How are ya?", asked the blacksmith.
"I'm good! You?", answered the boy.
"I'm very good, thank you for asking! Um... Why aren't you with... well, you know!"
"*sigh* Astrid?"
"Yes! You're always together!"
"An inventor sometime needs time alone, right?"
"You're right about that! Well, in that case! I'll leave you to it!"

Hiccup waved to Gobber goodbye and entered his house. He began his session of... complete boredom. He could think of a single thing to build. An whole hour passed when the inventor heard knocking on his door. He opened it and saw:

"Johann? What are you doing here?"
"Oh! Master Hiccup! What a pleasure it is to see you!", answered the trader.
"You too... What are you doing here?"
"I have recently received new information on Mister Viggo Grimborn's location..."
"*gasp* Alright, come inside! What do you know?"
"From what I know, he has last been seen on Berserker Island."
"Thank you, Johann! What do you want in exchange?"
"This time... Nothing, Master Hiccup... We have been business partners for many years, now. I am proud to call you my friend..."
"And so am I, Johann! You're a good friend, and I'm always happy to do business with you!"
"Thank you, Master Hiccup. I will now leave you to your inventing..."
"*laugh* You don't have to call me that!"

As soon as he finished his sentence, Astrid went through the door. "Hello, Miss Astrid!", said Trader Johann. "Hi!", answered the girl. When the man was finally gone, Astrid asked:

"Call you what?"
"What do you mean?", asked Hiccup.
"Well, you said 'you don't have to call me that'... Call you what?"
"Oh! Johann always calls me Master Hiccup... It's always 'Master Hiccup this' or 'Master Hiccup that'... He's always so formal!"

Hiccup, who was looking at the maps of the Berserker Island, did not realize the big, the huge mistake he just did, but Astrid did...

"W-What did you say?", asked the girl.
"I said he al-... Oh no... What did I do?"

BOOM! Cliffhanger!!! Oh, how I loved writing this chapter! The end of it, most specifically 😉. Anyways, thank you for the likes and thank you for suggesting that Hiccup tells Astrid his name. I had it planned, of course, but since someone wanted it to happen sooner, I put it here! Hopefully, I did it right... I guess you'll just have to wait for the next chapter to find out if she's angry or not... Muahahahaha. Okay now... G'day!
-Maya's Stories

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