Chapter 24: All yours

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Hey! SO SORRY for not posting yesterday... I just finished writing now. Also, this is a short chapter as well... I hate myself for not writing much. The next chapter WILL be longer I promise!! Anyway, thank you for your support!! 😊
-Maya's Stories

"Oh Gods! It's Ruffnut! What are we gonna do about Toothless?!", whispered Astrid, pointing at the dragon. "I don't know! Just..."

"*gasp* G-Guys... I don't know if you know this, but... there's a Night Fury right behind you...", said Tuffnut, interrupting Hiccup. Toothless lightly tilted his head to the left. The rider quickly stood up between them.

"A-Alright... Everybody... Um... This is... Toothless?", said Hiccup, a little unsure of what to say. Nobody said anything: they were all agaped, except for Astrid, of course. She was laughing... for some reason.

"Why are you laughing?!", whispered Hiccup to her. She got up, got closer to him and said: "You, my friend, are gonna have to get out of this one alone!" "*sigh* Are you serious?!", said the rider, desperately. She started to walk away, but quickly realized that all of her friends were staring at her, so she stopped.

"Oh how the tables have turned...", whispered Hiccup in Astrid's ear.
"*light squeal* It's a real Night Fury! It's so beautiful!", said Fishlegs.
"Yes... I know it's real... He's mine and his name is Toothless," answered the rider.
"I wanna ride him!", shouted Tuff as he walked closer to the Fury.
"No you're not!", answered Hiccup stepping between the twin and his dragon, "Before anyone asks anything, you need to know: Don't tell anyone about Toothless!"
"Why?", asked Snotlout.
"Snotlout! It's a Night Fury! *sigh* Just for the time being, nobody can know! I kept the secret... now you, too!", said Astrid.

With the girl's firm voice, the others only nodded.

"We should get back...", said Hiccup. They all left the Cove. Fishlegs was still very excited about the Night Fury and was asking the rider thousands of questions. He was beginning to be a little tired of always answering things.

"Alright, Fishface! Move! Go bother someone else!", said Snotlout to the boy. He pushed him away and put his hand on Hiccup's shoulder.

"Wanted to talk to you H...", said the boy.
"About Astrid..."
"Oh Gods! Help me now..."
"No, no! Hear me out! You can have her..."
"Wow! Thanks! I appreciate that!", said Hiccup, sarcastically.
"Anytime, I'm a giver. I'm so over her, anyway! I realized I'm more into... feminine woman..."
"Wait... You don't mean...", started to say the rider, but stopped when he saw Snotlout blowing a kiss at Ruffnut, who was disgusted by his action.

Astrid, who saw the whole thing, came up to the two mens. "Astrid! I'm gonna let you two talk...", said Snotlout, winking at the rider. When he was finally gone, the girl asked: "Did I just see Snotlout blowing a kiss to Ruffnut!?"

"*chuckle* Yeah! You did!", answered Hiccup.
"That's... weird... What did you two talk about, anyway?"
"Um... *light chuckle* He said that I could have you..."
" 'Have me'? What do you me-... Oh! Do they really think we're together?"
"Most definitely!"

They both laughed at his response.

Maybe they others saw something in them that they didn't...

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