Chapter 21: Dragon racing

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Hey-oh! Another song matched to the chapter. I kinda forgot mentioning the names of the songs... If you ever wondered. Chapter 6:The Escape--> New tail. Chapter 9: Coming back--> Test drive. Chapter 21: Dragon racing--> Coming back around. Just so you now. You can start the song as soon as you start reading the story, but you don't have to. Anyway, Hope you like this chapter as well as the others!
-Maya's Stories

Everyone in the village was going to see this dragon racing... thing...

Hiccup took that time to finish of his auto-tail by putting the fabric onto the metal rods. He looked at it proudly. He then wrapped it in a random sheet he found in the forge not to let anyone see what it was. He had an hour left until this racing thing began, so he'd better run if he wants to be able to do what he wanted.

This... sport began and it was very fun! Some time passed and the twins had 11 points, Astrid had 3, Fishlegs and Snotlout had... 1. It was time for the black sheep, who would give one person 10 points!

Astrid rushed to get it but the twins got to it first. They were battling over who should hold it. Astrid saw an opportunity, but so did a certain rider way above them.

"You stay here, bud," said Hiccup to Toothless as he jumped off. He was now falling through the air with no dragon to rescue him. When he passed through the clouds, everyone could see him. They were screaming and shouting, but Hiccup came closer to the ground without stopping!

He adjusted himself so he could take the sheep, and he did! The rider then put it in between his legs and... he was flying in the air! Nobody could believe it! It was almost magical!

He then unlocked his back fin and surprised everyone. Some people almost didn't recognize him since he was wearing his helmet, but Astrid knew. She and Stormfly flew right above him. He saw their shadows, so he turned around. His back was now facing the ground.

"You're flying?! That's amazing!", shouted Astrid.
"Yeah! That's one of the many things I can do! And technically... I'm gliding, so... not the same thing!", replied the rider.
"Where's... you-know-who?"
"Oh, he's up there! About that! Mind helping me?"
"Sure, what do you want?"
"Those basket thingies are for the points, right?"
"I'll get you your point! You fly under it and catch me afterwards, okay?"

All she did was smile, but he knew what that meant.

They were still a dozen of feet above the ground so Hiccup was still in the clear zone. He repositioned himself so that it would be easier to get to Astrid's basket. Stoick was fascinated by those wings he had and Gobber was even more so!

Hiccup was getting closer to those nets in the air. He had to be ready and calculate every one of his moves. When the time came, he looked at Astrid and nodded. She replied with one too and went under the baskets. Hiccup did a frontflip and put the sheep right where there was a drawing of a Nadder. Astrid went straight up to catch the rider.

"Nice moves, M'lady!"
"I should say the same about you! You have to show me more of your inventions!"
"*laugh* Will do!"

Astrid, who had now won this race, landed on the ground. Hiccup got off of Stormfly, rubbed the bottom of her chin and said: "Good girl."

All the Vikings on Berk wanted to know who he was and how he was able to fly. They all gathered around the two riders. Stoick got to them with a bit of effort.

"Who are you?", he asked. "That's my boy! I'd recognize this suit anywhere!", shouted Gobber. He removed his helmet and stroke his brown hair. He smiled at Astrid and then looked at his father. Stoick had this look in his eyes.


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