Chapter 35: Berserker Island

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I wish I could end this story now... Hiccup is happy with Astrid. Snotlout... not so much with Ruffnut, but life on Berk is more than excellent!

Unfortunately, the story does not end right this instant... There is more to come towards our hero and his dragon. I shall continue where I left off... Or more exactly, 5 days after the famous kiss...

It was as if Hiccup had forgotten all about Trader Johann's information and focused on a more... personal matter: Astrid. They had spent those 5 days together, mostly away from everyone. Those were the best days they had ever lived... for both of them!

On the fifth day, right before things went bad, our two love birds went to their little secret place: the Cove.

"So what did happen to your leg?", asked Astrid, who was sitting next to Hiccup.
"Didn't I tell you?", replied the rider, who had his arm wrapped around the girl he loved.
"Not in detail... And you know how much I love details!"
"*laugh* Alright! So I was battling this gigantic dragon..."
"The Red Death, right?"
"So you heard it?"
"Not the rest! You just told me that if Toothless wasn't there, you wouldn't have been talking to me... I want the whole story!"
"Ah, right! I remember that! Well, this Red Death, it was like a Queen, and the dragons had to bring it food. If it wasn't satisfied with their offer, it would eat the dragon itself! I basically found the dragons' nest!"
"Wait... The one your father was trying to find years ago?!"
"Yes! But he wouldn't have found it anyways, because only a dragon could..."
"Oh! So that's why the dragons stopped attacking!"
"*chuckle* I think so! Anyways, the Red Death had wings, so I figured that if it had wings, it could probably fly. I went up in the air and it followed me. Then there was fire balls and plasma blasts... you know... The real deal! But then its tail hit me and Toothless, so I fell and... Well, after that I lost consciousness... but what I think happened was that Toothless flew to me and protected me from the hard landing. I woke up in his wings missing a leg..."
"Wow... That's quite the story!"
"*scoff* Yeah! Tell me about it!"

"You know... You changed a lot in the last 8 years...", said the girl in a sweet voice.
"Um... I-Is it good or bad?", asked the rider.
"Good! Very good! I still think your dorky but... You really grew up... Your father would be very proud of you."
"Wow! T-Thanks, Astrid! That really means a lot... Wait, did you say I was dorky?!"
"*chuckle* Yeah... You know... This clumsy/cute, yet smart kind of guy..."
"Well, well, well! Looks like Astrid has a thing for dorky guys! No wonder you wouldn't go out with Sno-"
"*hits him in the ribs* Don't start!"
"*cough* Ow! Alright! Alright! *sigh* That hurt a lot, by the way!"
"Aw! Sorry, Hiccup... Next time you'll be more careful..."
"I hate you, you know that, right?"
"And I love you too!", said Astrid, giving her sweet rider a quick kiss on the cheek. Hiccup made a small smile and returned her kiss.

"So... How did you meet Johann?", asked the girl.
"Well, I... Oh Gods!", started to say the boy, then quickly jumped up on his feet... well, 'foot'.
"I forgot about Viggo!"
"Vi-who? What are you talking about!"
"Ugh! This week, all I could think about was you! And I totally forgot about what Johann told me!"
"*blush* Um... W-What did he tell you?"
"Where Viggo Grimborn was last seen! Ugh! Now he's gone!", shouted Hiccup, sitting down and shoving his head in his hands.
"Hiccup... I'd really like to help you, but you have to tell me who's this Vico Grimbo is, or whatever his name is!"
"Viggo Grimborn works for a man called Drago Bludvist. If I get to Viggo, I can get to Drago..."
"And who is this Drago?"
"He's trouble... Big trouble! And Johann told me that Viggo was last seen on Berserker Island... but now he's probably gone!"

"Well... there's one way to know for sure... We have to go there and check it out for ourselves!", said Astrid.
"No way! You're not coming with me!", replied Hiccup in an almost mad voice.
"What?! Why not?!"
"I will not risk your life! This isn't you business!"
"It became my business when you kissed me!"
"Ah... *sigh* Bu-"
"Besides! We have dragons! What could possibly happen?"
"*sigh* Why did you have to be so smart!?"

Astrid chuckle and gave Hiccup a quick kiss on the lips before getting up. She helped him get up as well and they started to pack up for their journey to the Berserker Island.

It took them a few hours, but when they arrived, they saw some dragon hunter ships. They landed in the forest and walked to where those boats were.

"*gasp* That's him! That's Viggo!", said the rider, pointing at one of the dragon hunters.
"Alright... So what's the plan?", asked Astrid.
"The plan's to g-"
"The plan is you two are gonna shut up and come with me!", said a man behind them.

Unfortunately, the two Berkians didn't have enough time to run away from the hunter. He took them by their arms and dragged them to Viggo.

"Finally! What took you so long?! I've been waiting here for a week now! And you brought a friend! How lovely!", said Grimborn.
"I swear if you touch a single strand of her hair..."
"Don't worry, my dear rider! No harm will come to her... Although she should be worrying about you! I only wanted you! She's just... an interesting bonus! And so is her magnificent Nadder!"

Viggo snapped his fingers and two cages covered by a big sheet rolled over next to him. He pulled the coverings off of them, showing a Deadly Nadder and a Night Fury. Hiccup tried to get out of the hunter's grip... but nothing.

He and Astrid were now trapped on Berserker Island with no possibility of contacting anyone for help...

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