Chapter 41: Madman

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The next day, Hiccup explained to his father, Gobber and the rest of his friends what happened to his missing foot. He told it exactly like he told Astrid.

After talking about his fantastic story, the chief looked at the Night Fury with a spark in his eyes. He put his hand on his head and caressed it very gently. The dragon closed its eyes and began to purr.

"Thank you...", said the man when the dragon opened them again. Toothless licked the chief's face and he laughed.

Hiccup never thought he'd see it happen. Vikings and dragons, allies at last.

"And you designed it yourself?!", asked the blacksmith, talking about the leg.
"What? Oh! Yes! Yeah... At firs, I just used a piece of wood! *laugh* N-Not that it's bad! It was... um... handy? Anyways, after some prototypes and designs, I came up with this beauty!", answered Hiccup, pointing at it.
"I knew working at the forge would be useful for you in the future!"
"You sure were right, Gobber!"

"Now... What abut those cuts?", asked Stoick to his son.
"Um... *nervous chuckle*... That... Well, it's a very long story!" , answered Hiccup.
"We have all the time in the world! Tell us!"
"Alright... So, it all strted with the Northern Markets. Every two weeks or so, I'd go there and save a few dragons from hunters. There was this one hunter, their boss... Well, not boss boss, just like, their superior. His name is Viggo Grimborn. He works for another man: Drago Bludvist. So, I thought that if I..."

"Bludvist? Drago Bludvist?", asked Stoick.
"Um... Y-Yeah. Why? You know him?", answered Hiccup.
"Drago Bludvist did this to you?!"
"Dad... W-What is it? What's wrong?"
"What's wrong?! He hurt you, that's what's wrong!"
"But Dad... It's fine. I'm..."
"It's fine?! It's not 'fine', Son! He could've killed you!"
"But he didn't!"

"*grunt* What did he want from you?"
"H-He wanted to know my secrets..."
"What secrets?!"
"W-What I knew about dragons..." Stoick frowned.

"Why did you want to see him?, asked the chief.
"I just wanted to speak to him. Change his mind about dragons," answered the rider.
"Hiccup. Do not. Ever. Go see this man ever again. You hear me?!"
"But, Dad..."
"Promise me!"
"But why?!"
"Men like him cannot be reasoned with!"
"M-Men like him? What men?!"
"He's a madman, Hiccup! Without conscience or mercy!"

"How do you know him?", asked the son.
"Years ago, there was a great gathering of chieftains to discuss the dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land, covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon and spoke softly, saying that he, Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people, devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons and he alone could keep us safe, if we chose to bow down and follow him, " explained Stoick.

Hiccup and his friends all laughed at this strangely dumb request. "Stupid!", said Tuffnut. "Good one!", replied his sister.

"Aye. We laughed, too... Until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out, "Then see how well you do without me!". The rooftop suddenly burst into flames, and from it, armored dragons descended, burning the hall to the ground. I... was the only one to escape," contined Stoick.

The group had no words t say after hearing this absolutely tragic story.

"And if he's built a dragon army... Gods help us all," said the chief.
"That's why he wanted to know my secrets. He wants to learn them to build himself his own dragon army! It all makes sense now!", said Hiccup.
"Yes. And he will stop at nothing, Hiccup. Nothing! Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with."

"Maybe," said the son.
"Hiccup!", shouted his father.
"I can still try! Just trust me!"
"Trust you?! When you've come back from Gods know where covered in wounds?!"
"*sigh* Dad... I'm not a kid anymore. I'm 23! I can take care of myself!"
"It doean't look like it! Gobber! Take him to his house and don't leave him out of your sight!"

Hiccup grunted as the blacksmith took him by the arm. They began to walk towards his old home.  Astrid felt bad for him, so she ran to them to see her rider.

"I know you probably don't want to hear this, but... your father's right, Hiccup. You still need to recover!", said Astrid in a gentle voice.
"I know he's right! I just... I really think I can reason with him!", explained the boy.
"Sorry to tell you this, Hiccup, but you have to give up on that one! He's more than cruel! He's bloodthirsty, almost inhuman!", said the blacksmith.

"Don't worry! you're still the amazing dragon rider I fell in love with! Even with all this reasoning with Drago stuff...", added the girl, kissing him on the cheek to cheer him up.
"*chuckle* Thanks, Astrid. You always know what to say," said the rider.

They finally arrived at their destination. Hiccup went in, leaving Gobber troubled and Astrid... sad...

He laid down in his bed and closed his eyes. After everything that had happened to him, Hiccup was exhausted.

He quickly fell asleep and woke up the next day with an idea in his head. A brilliant, yet stupid idea... And he needed help for it... Lots of help!

What's up! Quick author's note (hopefully). If there are any mistakes in this chapter (like more than the others) is because I'm writing this on a polish computer and it doesn't recognize english mistakes so... Very sorry! And if some of the verb tenses are wrong too, then I am also sorry, because I suck at tenses... Anyways, thank you for all of your amazing (and positive) comments!
-Maya's Stories

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