Lafayette x Reader [1]

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Time: 1781
Warnings: violence and tears

I'll See You On The Other Side

Everyday I fight by my fiancé's side against the British troops. My fiancé being, Marquis de Lafayette. He proposed right before we had to go back to war. Of course, it took a lot of convincing for him to let me join at all. You're an easy target being the only woman in the army. But I was determined to fight for our freedom, and women's rights of course. Angelica and I had a plan after the war. One to allow women the right to get an education.

We planned the wedding to be in spring, right after we win the war. We had a place picked out in Paris for us to live once it was over too. Well, if we win. I was so excited, it gave me even more the reason to fight my hardest and stay alive. For Lafayette.

We were fighting beside each other the whole day. Looking at each other in fear as we watched soldiers around us drop to the ground one by one. Each time I had the urge to rush over and help them, but I bit my tongue. It was too dangerous.

Alex and Hercules would stop by occasionally, while we moved under cover. Laurens moved to South Carolina with his army.

Soon all of our battalions had to split up to surround the British. We had less men then before and the British spread out.

It was not looking good for us.

And of course Washington put me on the opposite side of Lafayette. I'd be on the other side of Chesapeake Bay.

When we read the list of positions and found this out, he was not happy.

"Calm down!" I reassured him.

"No! I'm going to Washington immediately. I need to be with you! I cannot loose you mon amour." He said desperately.

"Washington must have a reason for separating us. He needs us on opposite fields. I will be fine. You know how fast I can reload my musket." I tried convincing him.

"No I won't have it Y/N." He started walking away. I quickly grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey Laf."

He turned around.

"Je t'aime." I said.

"Je t'aime aussi Y/N." he replied and sighed. "Vous gagnez."

"I'll be safe I promise."

"You better be." He mumbled and kissed my cheek, wandering off to our tent. Most likely to get ready for the continuos battle tomorrow.


All soldiers left their tents at dawn, Lafayette and I being the last ones behind.

"Please stay safe chéri." he said.

"You too Gilbert. I'll see you on the other side." I smiled at him.

"Til' we meet again."

He kissed me with such passion and love that it made me never want to leave his side. We released in need for air and I nodded at him. We split up, running after our troops that were ahead of us.

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